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Here's What People Used Before LCDs. 4 digits Micro  Nixie Clock with 2 Alarms! Nixie Clocks At My nixie clock project. In spring of 2004 I got re-interested in nixie tubes.

My nixie clock project

I remembered working with some frequency counters that used them, about 10 years ago. At the time I loved the way they looked and thought that eventually, those meters would no longer work, and then if I was lucky, I could rescue them out of the trash and use the tubes for something. Today, there are lots of people with the same ideas, and in the age of ebay, it's not too hard to find some tubes for a project. So, I am going to try to build a clock, and document it here. Not because I am expecting a spectacular design that everyone will want to copy, but because it's a convenient reference for me, and it may provide someone else some ideas too. Technophilia: 15 ways to get more out of Pandora. Geek to Live: How to set up a personal home web server.

Music server

SharpEnviro Is a Smart and Crisp-Looking Windows Desktop Replace. @Mickets: First question, let me just tell you what it is.

SharpEnviro Is a Smart and Crisp-Looking Windows Desktop Replace

It's a shell replacement. The desktop, as you know it, it gone just as Litestep would replace the shell. RAM: This app was notoriously bad on ram in the early days.