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Edward Snowden: The Biggest Revelations Are Yet to Come. VANCOUVER, Canada — Edward Snowden on Tuesday said the biggest revelations have yet to come out of the estimated 1.7 million documents he acquired from the National Security Agency. In a surprise appearance via satellite robot at the 2014 TED conference in Vancouver, Snowden said there is still a lot of reporting to be done, including diving deeper into the accusation that the NSA tricks companies into building backdoors into their systems that make data vulnerable to hackers across the world.

"Is it really terrorism that we're stopping? I say no," Snowden said. "The bottom line is that terrorism [...] has always been a cover for actions. Terrorism evokes an emotional response. " Snowden, who is still in hiding somewhere in Russia, maintained that his act wasn't reckless and that he did it all for the American people. He also said he would love to return to the United States — if granted immunity. "I don't want to harm my government" he said. He called him a "hero. " Edward Snowden: The Biggest Revelations Are Yet to Come. Sebastian Thrun : la voiture sans chauffeur de Google. Rachel Botsman: À propos de la consommation collaborative. TED • Ideas worth spreading. 8 talks about learning from failure.

Global Issues Fighting the growing deserts, with livestock: Allan Savory at TED2013 The growing desert Allan Savory has dedicated his life to studying management of grasslands. And if that doesn’t sound exciting, just wait, because it touches on the deepest roots of climate change and the future of the planet. “The most massive, tsunami, perfect storm is bearing down on us,” is the grim beginning to Savory’s talk. […] Environment Let’s unite as Team Humanity to revive degraded land: A conversation with TED Books author Allan Savory and rancher Gail Steiger All over the world, land is turning into desert at an alarming rate. TEDxBordeaux.

TEDxBordeaux 2013

TEDxBordeaux 2012. Jute do it ! : Corentin De CHATELPERRON at TEDxBordeaux. Le Tweet & Share: Jérôme CHOAIN at TEDx Bordeaux. BEATBOX: Beasty at TEDxBordeaux. Biomimétisme, inspiration pour des territoires durables: Karim LAPP at TEDx Bordeaux.