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Clouded Leopard. The clouded leopard (Neofelis nebulosa) is a cat found from the Himalayan foothills through mainland Southeast Asia into China, and has been classified as Vulnerable in 2008 by IUCN.

Clouded Leopard

Its total population size is suspected to be fewer than 10,000 mature individuals, with a decreasing population trend, and no single population numbering more than 1,000 adults.[2] The clouded leopard is considered to form an evolutionary link between the big cats and the small cats.[3] Both Neofelis species are the smallest of the big cats, and are not closely related to the leopard.[6] Characteristics[edit] Red Foxes, Red Fox Pictures, Red Fox Facts. Red foxes live around the world in many diverse habitats including forests, grasslands, mountains, and deserts.

Red Foxes, Red Fox Pictures, Red Fox Facts

They also adapt well to human environments such as farms, suburban areas, and even large communities. The red fox's resourcefulness has earned it a legendary reputation for intelligence and cunning.
