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Apprendre à sculpter / modeler

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STOLLOWEEN Studio. You agree that the use of this website and all information and content contained herein is at your own risk and there is no warranty expressly made herein.


You agree to hold Scott A. Stoll and harmless for any property damage, personal injury and/or death, or any other loss or damage that may result from the use of the following information, tools, materials and/or techniques. Questions or comments should be sent to The Gargoyle was created in February of 2008 as an entry in the Mad Lab Prop Building Contest hosted by JekyllandHyde. The prop was constructed from recycled water bottles, newspaper, plastic bags, cardboard and fabric. Sculpter oreilles. This is a post for Jo who requested info on doing ears.

Sculpter oreilles

Great illustration of the outer ear parts from: I made these large enough to show the detailing better. Form a wedge shaped oval of clay. Tuto modelage : Tête humaine.