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Dove mangiare a Parigi|Restaurant Bouillon Racine Paris - Centre Pompidou Virtuel | EL CENTRO POMPIDOU. Creado en 2002, el Proyecto para el arte contemporáneo se dirige a los aficionados del arte que desean implicarse de forma más activa en el apoyo de la política de adquisición del Centro Pompidou. Gracias a su generosidad, los miembros del comité, con la complicidad del director del Museo y de los conservadores implicados en el proyecto, compran obras procedentes de la creación más contemporánea. 2012: (en curso) 2011: Farah Atassi - Workshop, 2011 Yto Barrada - Ba-Youssef et les tomates jaunes, 2011 Yto Barrada - Tables d’écoliers de la serre, Ferme pédagogique, Tanger, 2011 Elger Esser - Cancale, 2006 Hans-Peter Feldmann - Shadow Play, 2011 Ann Veronica Janssens - Rose, 2007 Sergej Jensen - Sans titre, 2011 Bertrand Lamarche - Lobby (Hyper Tore), 2010 Gonçalo Mabunda - O trono de um mundo sem revoltas, 2011 Rivane Neuenschwander - Sunday, 2010 Robin Rhode - Microphone, 2005 Fredrik Værslev - Untitled, 2011 Jorinde Voigt - Territorium, Öl, Wasser, Elektrizität / Kontinentalgrenze, 2010.

Price of the Paris Museum Pass. Online Tickets. Office du Tourisme de Paris - Site Officiel. Sofa bed in the heart of paris in Paris. My apartment is in the heart of paris, le marais, " It is a very beautiful, central part of "historic" old Paris. The adress is rue des rosiers 75004 paris. The subway is saint paul ( lign 1).

Location: -5 mm walking distance from Notre Dame, Ile Saint-Louis, Place des Vosges, Bastille, Centre de Georges Pompidou, 1- 0mm Latin Quarter, Châtelet (major train station with direct connection to both Paris airports). - 2 min from metro st paul (Line 1) serving major tourist attractions, including Louvre, Tuileries, Champs Elyssee , Arc de Triomphe, Château Vincennes, etc There are plenty of useful shops in the neighbourhood (4 supermarkets, bakery, butcher, wine shop, cafe , restaurant ) The apartment is 35m² and consists of two rooms (my bedroom and the living room) with a separate bathroom.

The kitchen is fully equipped with a new oven, microwave, fridge. There is free wifi internet access. All the household linen is supplied: bath towels, sheets. I am a smoker. Exta charge: