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Cadres na Pintereste. Mapa Slovenskej Ľudovej Výšivky. Andre Amador's Playa Paintings are Sandy Works of Art. If you live in San Francisco, California, then you may be lucky enough to come across the art of Andres Amador. He doesn't paint or sculpt. He prefers a medium that is temporary but absolutely beautiful: a sandy beach at low tide. He uses a rake to create works of art that can be bigger than 100,000 sq. ft. He spends hours creating these intricate masterpieces, knowing that the tide will soon come in and wash away his work forever. For Andres, his art is "more about the process and less about the result. " He knows that it will all be temporary. While making his beach mural explorations, he uses a rope as a guide so that he can make the geometric patterns. When asked WHY he does it, Andre gives the best answer... "The unanswerable question! Consider yourself lucky if you happen to stumble across one of his playa paintings, because it won't be there long.

By raking up the wet sand at low tide, he is able to make contrasting sand colors. He even offers his services, helping people propose. 10 Fall Leaf Crafts For Kids | Kiwi Crate. Fall is almost officially here! Celebrate the new season with these great, leaf-themed crafts. Some make use of fallen leaves from outside, while others use artificial or hand-drawn leaves. Whatever you choose, you’ll have fun autumn decor the kids helped make! 1. Glycerin Leaves 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Fabulous fall collage - happy hooligans - nature collage art for kids. Kids Art: Make a fabulous fall collage using items from nature: Lately I’ve been gathering lots of fall crafts ideas while pouring over all my favourite blogs and facebook pages, and I’ve combined a couple of great activities to come up with this idea for a fabulous fall collage. For the Hooligans’ craft today, I combined a couple of ideas that I’ve seen recently. I got the awesome idea for paint smooshing from Moments of Mommyhood’s “no-mess finger-painting” and paired it with Sun Hats & Wellie Boots’ idea for 3D Autumn collages.

How to make a fabulous fall collage: I think the photos are pretty much self-explanatory, but in case you’re wondering, we used acrylic craft paints for the smooshing. How pretty is this?! How are you celebrating fall at your house? [jetpack_subscription_form] Pre učiteľov - Niečo o mne. 18 surrealistických manipulácií s fotografiami ktoré vás dostanú. Švédsky fotograf a odborník v manipuláciách pomocou počítačových programov Erik Johansson, sa pred 4 rokmi, stal študentom výpočtovej techniky.

Za ten čas sa dokázal vypracovať, na prakticky umelca vo svojom obore. Jeho “fantasy” videnie sveta vás určite pohltí! “Lukáš