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The Youth Unemployment Crisis Might Not Be a Crisis - Zachary Karabell. Maybe young people refusing to settle aren't lazy or lost; they're leading us toward the ideas economy of the 21st century. “Youth Unemployment is the Next Global Crisis” “America’s 10 Million Unemployed Youth Spell Danger for Future Economic Growth” “Relentlessly high youth unemployment is a global time bomb” There’s no doubting that worldwide, kids are out of work. In the United States alone, the unemployment rate for 15 to 24-year-olds is about 16 percent, nearly twice the national average.

In parts of Europe, the figures are much worse, with a whopping 56 percent youth unemployment rate in Spain alone — representing about 900,000 people. But do these high numbers represent a global labor market crisis that imperils future growth, as the headlines warn? To understand why, it’s worth a quick detour through history. The Great Depression threw those views into question. And the true unemployment numbers might actually be higher. Yet we should be wary of these statistics.

Surviving the post-employment economy - Opinion. A lawyer. A computer scientist. A military analyst. A teacher. What do these people have in common? They are trained professionals who cannot find full-time jobs. Unemployed graduates are told that their predicament is their own fault. Changing your major will not change a broken economy. People devalued In the United States, nine percent of computer science graduates are unemployed, and 14.7 percent of those who hold degrees in information systems have no job.

It is not skills or majors that are being devalued. Academics face particular derision for their choice of profession. It is true that the academic job market has been terrible for decades. Best of bad options Despite the dire employment conditions of higher education, young people continue to enrol in graduate school. "But it is not just about your current earnings," the detractor continues, "It is about the wages you lose while in the programme. " We live in the tunnel at the end of the light. Failure of the system. TSR_3_BW.pdf, page 14 @ Preflight - Dumont.pdf. Attention Danger Travail Pierre Carles 2003 French DVD Rip.

Ingmar Granstedt. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Ingmar Granstedt est un socio-économiste français d'origine suédoise né en 1946. Il a particulièrement étudié les conséquences sociales de l'industrialisation. Une autre partie de ses écrits est consacrée à la théologie. Travaux[modifier | modifier le code] Granstedt a effectué une expérience d'observation participante dans une usine Volvo en Suède, dans les années 1970.

Il en a tiré un article paru dans la revueEsprit en 1975, mais surtout la matière de son livre L'impasse industrielle publié en 1980. Dans la continuité de ce travail, Ingmar Granstedt fait paraître en 1982 dans la revue Autogestion une étude intitulée "Du chômage à l'autonomie conviviale", qui sera ensuite réédité par la revue S! Revenant vingt ans après sur ces questions, il publie un Petit manifeste pour sortir de la folle concurrence en 2006, disponible en livre et sur internet. Entre-temps, Granstedt se consacre à la théologie. Œuvres[modifier | modifier le code]