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Minetest Education

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Installation de Minetest – Framacloud. Description Minetest est un logiciel libre distribué sous LGPL v2.1+.

Installation de Minetest – Framacloud

Il s’agit d’un jeu de type bac-à-sable en monde ouvert, inspiré de InfiniMiner, Minecraft, et d’autres semblables. Minetest est très facilement modulable. Il peut ainsi servir des objectifs totalement différents, selon les mods qu’on y installe. Une installation pourra servir comme jeu de ferme entre amis, une autre installation comme d’un jeu avec des monstres à battre, une autre installation comme d’un support éducatif et encore plein d’autres. Ce guide est prévu pour Debian Stable. Nourrir la terre Utilisateur dédié De manière à mieux isoler l’application, nous allons créer un utilisateur dédié à Minetest, du même nom que le logiciel : useradd -mU minetest Cette commande crée l’utilisateur minetest ainsi qu’un groupe du même nom. Nous allons aussi créer quelques dossiers qui nous serviront par la suite pour installer les mods et les textures. Semer. Folder Structure - Minetest Modding Book. Introduction In this chapter we will learn the basic structure of a mod’s folder.

Folder Structure - Minetest Modding Book

This is an essential skill when creating mods. Mod Folders Dependencies Mod Packs Mod Folders Each mod has its own folder where all its Lua code, textures, models, and sounds are placed. A “mod name” is used to refer to a mod. MineTest et imprimante 3D - Page 3/3 - Mathématiques. Le cube soma (Julien Pavageau, collège A.

MineTest et imprimante 3D - Page 3/3 - Mathématiques

Camus de Frontenay Rohan Rohan) Dans le cadre d’une rencontre cm2/6ème, les élèves ont eu pour mission de réaliser des pièces permettant de former un cube (Soma). Minetest2Obj : tuto - View forum - Français. Minetest (SVTux) Généralités : Lorsque le serveur est ouvert, il apparaît dans la liste des "serveurs publics" : Thème : « Planète SVTux !

Minetest (SVTux)

». Soyez prudent, de nombreuses aventures vous attendent...Nom du serveur : [FR] Planète SVTux, mais il n'apparaît dans la liste QUE lorsqu'il est démarré ! Mods:Learning - Minetest Wiki. From Minetest Wiki Minetest Tutorial Game/World Tutorial (Tutorial) by Wuzzy - A world the size of a castle, with a parcour of stations.

Mods:Learning - Minetest Wiki

Each station explains one aspect of minetest, and gives opportunities for exercise. E.g. movement / climbing / ladders / jumping / swimming / diving, etc. [IDEA] Minetest for teachers. Apienk wrote:[*]Teachers need a way to quickly modify permissions for students (For this to work, commands like /grant all interact must be implemented, ideally bound to a key or GUI.)[*]Teachers need to assign griefing-proof working areas to individual students or groups of students while the rest of the world is protected (SOLVED: With the Area Protection mod one can set such working areas by first owning the whole landscape with /set_owner and then assigning sub-owners to particular spots with /add_owner.).

[IDEA] Minetest for teachers

There is also Node Ownership mod: apienk wrote:[*]Announcement system is needed to distribute assignments to all students (SOLVED IN PART: Chat and server messages are easy to miss if there is a lot of traffic. A GUI popup window would be better. As a workaround, vanilla signs or PilzAdam's reworked Signs can be used, but signs offer very limited space for text.). Signs are annoying in that the message can be erased very easily (clicking escape). [Game]/[World] Tutorial [1.8.2]/[2.1.0] Hi!

[Game]/[World] Tutorial [1.8.2]/[2.1.0]

The work on the tutorial continues. You can download version 0.2.0 in the attachment of this post. Current state of Tutorial World: that most blocks are unbreakable) Now all sections I mentioned in the first post now have a more or less proper representation in the world. New/reworked in-world sections are: ViscositySpikes (Blocks that damage you)MiningBuilding (very simple for now)SmeltingCrafting (stuff is now in boxes)Some sort of primitive “Outro”. Remaining quirks: It is currently possible to “break out” by placing blocks cleverly. Another quirk: I want to place items intentionally by dropping them. Reply to twoelk: “Sneak elevator”: Hmmmm, nope. Waterfall: I might consider that. Maybe something like "follow the sand line" might be usefull for navigation. I guess I’ll add some arrow signs. You might also mention that navigation on a mobile device might differ from a pc.

Damn it! Had to go full screen though and still some text was cut of. Minetest - Education Version. As our project is growing, there are new ideas coming and lots of creation to be done.

Minetest - Education Version

The first big thing has been to convert the idea of 'monsters' into 'viruses', and convert weapons into 'anti-virus' devices or avd's (using names inspired by computers in sci-fi literacy) to combat the 'viruses'. This has really been a matter of tweaking the weapons and textures, but it leads me to the next big step in forming a new educational mechanism within Minetest.

We would like to introduce a turn based combat system (formspec?) That will quiz the kids to cause damage to 'virus' that is impacted by the strength of their avd. For instance, when a student hits another student with an adv, it heals the opposing players health (again, in accordance to the level of the avd), but when they hit a 'virus' it brings up a screen much like the 'trader' screen, but instead of offering merchandise for trade, we want to force the student to solve simple questions to cause damage.