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Free SMS Services when you buy a Global Sim from Go sim. Buddha at the Gas Pump | Interviews with "Ordinary" Spiritually Awakened People. Zen: The Best of Alan Watts. A person who thinks all the time has nothing to think about except faults, so he loses touch with reality and lives in a world of illusions. By thought I mean the chattering inside the skull; perpetual and compulsive repetition of words, of calculations, and symbols going on inside the head. For as a result of confusing the real world of nature with mere signs, such as money, stocks and bonds, title deeds, and so forth. This is a disaster. Time to wake up. Alan Watts (1915-1973) who held both a master's degree in theology and a doctorate of divinity, is best known as an interpreter of Zen Buddhism in particular, and Indian and Chinese philosophy in general.

He authored more than 20 excellent books on the philosophy and psychology of religion, and lectured extensively, leaving behind a vast audio archive. Watch the full documentary now. Satsang with mooji - videos. A beautiful and clear page created by a Mooji Sangha member, which includes many of Mooji's Youtube videos as well as a tribute to Papaji, and is organized by year and place.

This page,, makes it very easy to browse Youtube videos and includes descriptions and quotes (click on ). Much gratitude to JC for putting this page together! Chakras. Universal Mind Meditation {Guided Meditation} Videos. 21/12/2012. Meditation. Meditation. Guided Meditation Audio. Where Science and Buddhism Meet. Many Quotes by Alan Watts. Zentips. Is There a God? | Video channel on

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