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Codecademy Launches New API Course Track with Parse. An Advanced Guide to HTML & CSS. Timeline - A JavaScript Library For Beautifully Crafted Timelines That Are Easy, And Intuitive To Use. Building for multiple devices. We built Trello from the ground up to work on just about any device. It’s not a simplified version with limited features, either. Trello responds to your device’s screen size and capabilities. It’s the same exact site and the same exact code; a consistent experience that looks, feels, and works the same everywhere.

But we also have an iPhone app. It’s pretty great if I may say so. If you are a Trello user with an iPhone, you should download it now. It’s free. Everything we do for mobile translates back to a better desktop experience. All the interface elements are mobile-friendly, which means they are also more desktop-friendly. There are no redirects. Scaling, zooming, and resizing work seamlessly. We can deliver updates to all devices seamlessly. So how does it all work? Here are some of the tools and tricks that made developing a responsive interface much easier. Use a limited library of mobile-optimized, reusable components.

Think twice about navigation. That being said… Organize Anything, Together. Twitter Bootstrap Generator. 32 Indispensable Bookmarklets for Web Developers and Designers | Speckyboy Design Magazine. All of these bookmarklets/favelets will be useful to all web designers and developers, they are the quickest method for testing, analyzing and tweaking any web page. A Bookmarklet or Favelet is a small application tool, stored as the URL of a bookmark in a web browser or as a hyperlink on a web page. To use these bookmarklets you can drag and drop the links to your Bookmark Toolbar or right click and save link as, this way you will always have quick access to these great tools Layout Grid and Overlay Bookmarklets Bookmarklet Javascript Code (Copy and Paste) : javascript:void(d=document);void(el=d.getElementsByTagName('body'));void('url( MRI from WESTCIV Bookmarklet Javascript Code : Spry Medias Design Bookmarklet Quick Accessibility Page Tester Reload CSS Slayer Office Mouseover DOM Inspector (Domi) Slayer Office Favelet Suite Wave – Web Accesibilty javascript:void(' CSS Bookmarklets.


Digg. Custom Themes - Posterous for Developers. The Top Quality Free WordPress Themes Released in 2009 | Vietnam. 15 Essential Checks Before Launching Your Website | How-To | Sma. Advertisement Your website is designed, the CMS works, content has been added and the client is happy. It’s time to take the website live. Or is it? When launching a website, you can often forget a number of things in your eagerness to make it live, so it’s useful to have a checklist to look through as you make your final touches and before you announce your website to the world.

This article reviews some important and necessary checks that web-sites should be checked against before the official launch — little details are often forgotten or ignored, but – if done in time – may sum up to an overall greater user experience and avoid unnecessary costs after the official site release. Favicon A favicon brands the tab or window in which your website is open in the user’s browser. And if you have an iPhone favicon: Titles And Meta Data Your page title is the most important element for SEO and is also important so that users know what’s on the page. Cross-Browser Checks Proofread Read everything.

50 Twitter Tools and Tutorials For Designers and Developers | De. Twitter appears on innumerable personal and professional websites nowadays, whether it is a simple “Follow me” badge in the header or a display of the author’s latest tweets in the sidebar. No longer a fad, Twitter is now a necessity for every website, not just for sharing your thoughts and keeping in touch with people, but also for marketing, advertising and even searching. But you may be wondering, How can I make Twitter work the way I want on my website?