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Want to Make Students Happier with Learning? Use More Video. Design: Goals and Objectives. QM How to Design Standards-Based Online Courses. Online Learning How to Design Standards-Based Online Courses Two universities share how the Quality Matters rubric informs their online course design and improves the learning experience for students.

QM How to Design Standards-Based Online Courses

Mary Chayko, a professor in the School of Communication and Information at Rutgers University (NJ), has taught both hybrid and fully online courses for several years. In 2014, as she was designing a new course, Chayko realized she wanted to make the experience more seamless for students, so she turned to Denise Kreiger, a Rutgers instructional design and technology specialist with experience using the Quality Matters (QM) framework for online courses. Retrieval Practice: A Powerful Strategy to Improve Learning. Make It Stick: The Science of Successful Learning. Make It Stick: The Science of Successful Learning by Peter C.

Make It Stick: The Science of Successful Learning

Brown, Henry L. Roediger III, and Mark A. McDaniel 336 pages, Belknap Press, April 2014Buy Now [The links in this post are Amazon Affiliate links. Remember college, when you’d crack open your textbook, pop the top off your brand-new highlighter, then start smearing that sucker across line after line of text, making the important stuff stand out so you could reread it and reread it some more? This phenomenon is explained in our summer 2015 book pick, Make It Stick: The Science of Successful Learning. Although the reading can sometimes be challenging, the concepts are illustrated beautifully in a series of anecdotes from sports, the military, music, and even corporate training to demonstrate how learning in any field is still learning; the principles hold up no matter where they are applied.

Anyone who teaches anything would benefit from reading this book: coaches, tutors, classroom teachers, parents, even corporate trainers. 5 Best Practices to Follow When Creating Online Training for Millennials. July.26.2016 By: Steve Penfold By 2020, 50 percent of the workforce will be millennials.

5 Best Practices to Follow When Creating Online Training for Millennials

Is your organization ready to tap into this pipeline of learners? Millennials entering the job market are ambitious and sometimes impatient. OU To Lie Or Not To Lie. The Psychology of Color in Marketing and Branding — The Startup. The psychology of color as it relates to persuasion is one of the most interesting — and most controversial — aspects of marketing.

The Psychology of Color in Marketing and Branding — The Startup

The problem has always been depth of analysis. Color theory is a topic of complexity and nuance, but splashy infographics rarely go beyond See ‘n Say levels of coverage. Green Lantern can’t turn lemons into lemonade and I’m left equally unequipped to make smart decisions about the spectrum which shades our world. But why is such a potentially colorful conversation so unwaveringly shallow? Misconceptions around the psychology of color As research shows, it’s likely because personal preference, experiences, upbringing, cultural differences, and context often muddy the effect individual colors have on us. But there’s still plenty to learn and consider if we humbly accept that concrete answers aren't a guarantee. Modernlearningculture%20infographic%209-9-15.pdf. When Actors Replace Instructors as On-Camera Talent. Video Production When Actors Replace Instructors as On-Camera Talent If your school has been producing course videos the same way for years, it may be time to update your technique to make sure students are still watching.

When Actors Replace Instructors as On-Camera Talent

Purdue shares lessons learned from an unconventional approach. By Dian Schaffhauser05/13/15 Instructors have typically been the on-screen talent for the recorded lectures used in online courses. The Engineering Professional Education program provides non-credit online courses designed for "lifelong learners," led by instructors who come from the field. How It Works The development of a new online program in project management provided Maris and her colleagues with the perfect opportunity to try the new approach to video creation. Maris sought bids from three production studios, including Purdue's own on-campus studio, and the university ultimately selected a location near Dallas, TX — several states away. The Scientific Reason Why Bullets Are Bad for Presentations. You’ve probably heard this advice before: Don’t use bullet points in your presentations.

The Scientific Reason Why Bullets Are Bad for Presentations

But do you know why presentation design experts are so adamantly opposed to the bullet point format? Here’s the simple, but perhaps surprising, explanation to why bullet points are bad for presentations: Bullet points make information more difficult to remember, especially when the bullet point lists are accompanied with auditory information. This is not a conjecture; it is backed by credible research. The Value of Visualizations In 2014, the International Journal of Business Communication published the results from The Use of Visualization in the Communication of Business Strategies, a study designed to gather empirical evidence regarding whether the use of visualization is superior to text in the communication of business strategies.

Specifically, the study concluded: The Limits of Working Memory Digging deeper into the reason bullet points are bad, Dr. Visual Content and Communication = Secret Sauce. Unless you’ve been completely unplugged from all technology for years, you’ll know that visual content/communication and storytelling are incredibly important.

Visual Content and Communication = Secret Sauce

I was going to say unless you’ve lived in the Stone Age, but communication there was purely visual! Think about all the carvings on rocks. Think about ancient Egypt and all the hieroglyphics.