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Tutorial Magazine / photoshop / effects. 200+ Ultimate Collection of Photoshop Plugins. Photoshop is a powerful image editing software which is very useful for web designers and photographers to create desired effects in the images. But sometimes it’s difficult to perform certain tasks manually in photoshop. Once there was a belief that only designers who have mastered photoshop can create special effects on photographs or images. But now with the help of Photoshop Plug-in anyone can create desired effects on their images.

Photoshop Plugins are actually add-ons to the main program which helps to attain additional image effects or performing tasks that are impossible or hard to fulfill using Adobe Photoshop alone. And they make the complicated task much easier and help users in creating amazing effects, designing faster & better. In this post , I would like to share more than 200 photoshop plugins which are available for free. Water Ripples is a freeware Adobe Photoshop compatible plug-in filter.

Jama 3D is a freeware Adobe Photoshop compatible plug-in filter. Easy Brush Text Nature Effect: Tutorial. Today we will learn how to use text layer letters as paths to create amazing effects. You can use this trick in many different ways, just changing brushes and brush options. Also we will learn how to use pen tool again together with brush tool and change different options. I tried to write everything pretty detailed, so everybody could understand and also added *.psd version for everybody to check out, if something in Your work is wrong.

Check finished result on the bottom of this page and good luck completing this tutorial! So join with me to these 10 simple steps! Step 1 Open Photoshop and create a new document 1000x800px. Use RGB color : #051601 and black #000000. Step 2 Now write some text in the center of the document, I used verdana font,207pt, text “Natural” – no matters which color You use, we won’t be using it anyway, just shape of it. Step 3 So let’s use now letter shapes and convert it to path. Step 4 Step 5 And now with the new layer selected brush stroke the path. Step 6 Step 7. 35+ Nature Tutorials for Photoshop. Thank you for visiting the Vandelay Design Blog! We regularly publish collections of Photoshop tutorials like this one. If you would like to improve your Photoshop skills, please consider subscribing to our feed by RSS or by email so you don’t miss these posts.

There are plenty of great Photoshop tutorials for working with different aspects and elements of nature. This is a collection of tutorials for working with the sky, clouds, grass, water, rain, and much more. Looking for hosting? 100 Best Photoshop Tutorials of All Time that Yield Professional Results. Photoshop tutorials are one of the most popular subjects on the web, as the digital art community continues to grow and new designers bring their unique skills. However, quality Photoshop tutorials that teach you a useful effect, have a quality finished result and are well explained are harder to find, and with the large number of tutorial sites available, it can be hard to sort the quality from the mundane.

In this massive roundup, we’ve collected the top 100 best Photoshop tutorials that have ever been created, that yield professional results, teach you a useful effect, are well explained, and will have you designing like a pro in no time. These tutorials are collected from niche tutorial sites around the web, and range in age from creation in 2008 to a few tutorials that were created just last week. So, if you think you’ve seen all there is to see from Photoshop, guess again and check out this post.

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