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Portraits of Dogs as They Shake Off Water. For her series “Shake“, pet photographer Carli Davidson photographed curious portraits of dogs shaking off water. Use a fast shutter speed and you can capture all kinds of strange expressions on your dog’s face. You can find the rest of the photographs in the series here. Shake (via Photojojo) Image credits: Photographs by Carli Davidson and used with permission. The Infinity Room.

With this immersive installation, French artist Serge Salat invites visitors to take a journey through endless layers of space, decked out with cubic shapes, panels of mirrors, shifting lights and music. “Beyond Infinity” is a multi-sensory, multimedia experience that blends Eastern Chinese with Western Renaissance. Inspired by the Suzhou Gardens, a masterpiece of Chinese landscape, the three-lined trigram of I Ching is the main pattern that organizes the space of the work. Salat uses mirrors as optical illusions, exploding a single room into spatial infinity. via [Architizer] Views: 422998 Tags: Serge Salat, The Infinity Room, architecture, design. Your beautiful eyes on the Behance Network. Suren Manvelyan photography | Gallery.

Stefano Unterthiner Photography : Animals Face to Face | COLT + RANE. Colt + Rane Stefano Unterthiner Photography : Animals Face to Face. Simon Tong Photography. Eloquent Pixels | Photography. Creepy, Crusty, Crumbling: Illegal Tour of Abandoned Six Flags New Orleans [75 Pics] Hurricane Katrina killed this clown. According to the photographer, “An abandoned Six Flags amusement park, someone spray painted ‘Six Flags 2012 coming soon’ on the wall above the downed head. But they were clownin.’ Six Flags will never rebuild here.”

That’s sad, but much of New Orleans has not been restored to her former glory. This defunct amusement park on the city’s eastern edge must surely serve as a constant reminder that Katrina tried to wash them off the map. To some of the people of New Orleans, the stark silhouette of Six Flags seems like an unhealed wound. Welcome to Zombie Land kids! Chained dreams of fun at Six Flags New Orleans, abandoned Jazzland – that’s what Six Flags opened as “Jazzland” in 2000. Some photographers can see past the lifeless amusement park’s decay and desolation, showing us that there is still a chance the place could be cheery and not cheerless.

Like a Bad Dream. No lines for dead rides. Watch out for that tree! No one wants a ride? DOUBLE EXPOSURE PORTRAITS on the Behance Network. Michael Muller.