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Brief History. Opening Space for Emerging Order Harrison Owen Open Space Technology, as a definable approach to organizing meetings has been in existence for somewhat more than a dozen years.

Brief History

Truthfully, I suspect it has been around as long as Homo sapiens has gathered for one purpose or another, from the days of the campfire circle onward. It is only that our modern wisdom has obfuscated what we already knew and have experienced from the beginning. In 1985, eighty-five brave souls, or there abouts, gathered in Monterey for The Third Annual International Symposium on Organization Transformation. Open Space Key Concepts Explained. These are a few points commonly used to explain what Open Space Technology is: the energy of a good coffee break: OST began in part to the oft-quoted observation that in traditional conferences, the coffee breaks are the best part.growing more of what works: focussing attention on things makes them grow, in importance, detail and depth.

Open Space Key Concepts Explained

So why not grow more of what works rather than stuff that doesn’t? One more thing to not do: the essence of developing an OST facilitation practice is to continually practice letting go. Finding one more thing not to do helps develop this practice over time.passion bounded by responsibility: Passion gets you out of your chair, responsibility moves you to action.

Things only get done by individuals, and nothing gets done unless people want to do. Open Space Glossary There is a multi-language Glossary of Open Space terms and phrases at Lisa Heft’s website. The Center for APPRECIATIVE INQUIRY. Appreciative Inquiry. Looking for AI Training? Below is a graphic illustrating the five core processes of Appreciative Inquiry; often referred to as the 5-D’s. 1.

The Center for APPRECIATIVE INQUIRY. Appreciative Inquiry. Looking for AI Training?

Choose the Positive as the Focus of Inquiry (Definition) When individuals, teams, or organizations want to make changes, usually a ‘fix it’ model is employed. People will often collect data, identify obstacles, make diagnoses OR we can choose to seek out what is already good and right about the individual, team, or organization. Behind the Book: Kevin Keohane on Brand and Talent. Mission Vision Worksheet. Forbes Welcome. Leadership Question #6: Which is Most Important—Mission, Core Values or Vision? - Michael Hyatt. Continuing in my series of “20 Leadership Questions,” we come to the sixth question that Michael Smith asked when he interviewed me.

Leadership Question #6: Which is Most Important—Mission, Core Values or Vision? - Michael Hyatt

This one is related to something very near and dear to me. Photo courtesy of © Michael asked, Which is most important to your organization—mission, core values or vision?” This is a little bit like trying to answer which sense is more important—sight, smell, hearing, taste, or touch? At Thomas Nelson, our core ideology is comprised of four key elements.

Here’s how I define each element and roughly the priority I assign to each. Purpose. To be effective, all four of these should be written down. Questions: Does your organization have a written ideology? Or upgrade to a self-hosted WordPress blog? Editorial: UM's latest crisis is of identity. After ending last semester on the sour note of emergency firings, many would like to see the new year start off well for the University of Montana.

Editorial: UM's latest crisis is of identity

That will not be happening. Not this year and not next year. Every semester since UM's back-to-back rape, budget and enrollment crises, the administration has said we are about to metaphorically “turn the corner” on a rough but temporary chapter. MIT Dean Takes Leave to Start New University Without Lectures or Classrooms. Christine Ortiz is the dean for graduate education and a professor of materials science and engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

MIT Dean Takes Leave to Start New University Without Lectures or Classrooms

In a conversation with The Chronicle, she discusses her ideas about building a new type of college from scratch. Unconference. Open space session scheduling History[edit] Unconference signup at Wikiconference USA with a participant.


Unconferences often use variations on the Open Space Technology format/method developed by Harrison Owen in 1985. Owen's 1993 book Open Space Technology: a User's Guide discussed many of the techniques now associated with unconferences, although his book does not use that term. The term "unconference" first appeared in an announcement for the annual XML developers conference in 1998.[2] Methods. To create an event that builds community, unleashes initiatives, and helps solve problems, we combine some of the methods described here, as well as others we find or create.


Open Space Open Space is at the heart of almost every unconference we design. It allows groups from 20-1000 people to create an agenda live in less than an hour for a complete multi-track conference. Participants are given simple guidelines that help the day flow. Ten Simple Rules for Organizing an Unconference. How to run a great unconference session. It’s easy to assume that unconferences, the popular trend in tech-sector events, require little thought on the part of session organizers.

How to run a great unconference session

The myth is that by choosing to do an unconference, special magic will trickle down into all the sessions, blooming into dozens of beautiful flowers of enlightened communal experience. It’s not true: All unconferences have good sessions and bad. Ask anyone who has attended one – they’ll tell you about dud topics, confused session organizers, and the guy who kept taking the floor to talk about his company in session after session.