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Book Summary: "On Writing Well", William Zinsser. “On Writing Well: The Classic Guide to Writing Nonfiction”, William Zinsser 338 pages – Paperback | eBook | Audiobook Perfect for you if: You plan on writing anything, to anyone, ever again.You’re a messiah at turning 5 points and 2 quotes into 5,000 words.Watching a masterful, championship-winning play sends a tingle down your spine.

Book Summary: "On Writing Well", William Zinsser


Sixpitches. Innovators think in terms of verbs, not nouns. Over time and as a company grows, the ability to deliver inspiring solutions often fades.

Innovators think in terms of verbs, not nouns

Many organizations talk about returning to their roots or becoming more nimble in the digital age, and they presume doing so requires shaking up corporate structure. But industry leaders in large part attribute their organizations’ resurgent innovativeness not to reorganization, but to a simple shift in mindset about how their teams approach customer-centricity. Powered by empathetic product managers and designs, companies of any size can meaningfully and continuously innovate. In the face of changing market dynamics, product teams tend to approach customers within the context of their own organization’s existing processes and product portfolios. Author and professor Donald Sull describes such behavior as “active inertia.”

Home. How Louis CK Tells A Joke. [Infographic] The business cost of poor communication. Ever wonder what poor communication does to business?

[Infographic] The business cost of poor communication

Let’s start with this alarming fact: the average professional (American worker) spends only 35% of their day on the job they’re getting paid to perform. What?! The Science of the Story. Stories are told in the body.

The Science of the Story

It doesn’t seem that way. We tend to think of stories as emerging from consciousness—from dreams or fantasies—and traveling through words or images to other minds. We see them outside of us, on paper or on screen, never under the skin. But we do feel stories. Experiencing a story alters our neurochemical processes, and stories are a powerful force in shaping human behavior. We don’t need the science of storytelling to tell a story.

The better we understand how stories unfold in our bodies, the more equipped we are to thrive in the story-rich environment of the twenty-first century.

Liberal arts

Nonfiction’s Big Genre Silos. So, I’m going to storygrid The Tipping Point.

Nonfiction’s Big Genre Silos

Where do I start? The first thing I want to do is define the broadest, but most specific (I know that sounds contradictory, but hang in there, I’ll explain) genre category I can for Gladwell’s masterwork. Remember that Genres are those things that tell the audience what to expect. So by understanding the global Genre that the writer strictly abided, I’ll be able to jimmy a screwdriver into the top of his book and pry it open. ‘Plussing’ – How Pixar Transforms Critiquing into Creating. Newspaper Design, Graphic Design, Personal Branding: Ron Reason Consulting. Digital is slippery. 8 things I wish everyone knew about email. How to send a personal email. Here are some easy to follow tips that will help you avoid being seen as a spammer, or having your emails trashed or ignored.

How to send a personal email

The thing is this: email reduces friction. Greedy, lazy organizations have embraced this and tried to figure out how to blast as many emails as they can as cheaply as they can, relying on the law of large numbers. The real law of large numbers is, "using large numbers is against the law. " Email checklist (maybe this time it'll work!) Eight email failures (and questions for those that want to do better) A friend sent out an email blast (I hate that word, for good reason) to his ample address book to promote a new project and got a lot of blowback for it.

Eight email failures (and questions for those that want to do better)

He asked me for my feedback... Just because you have had a previous relationship with someone doesn't mean you have permission to email them. Permission marketing is anticipated, personal and relevant messaging. Effective E-mail Communication. What this handout is about This handout is intended to help students, faculty, and University professionals learn to communicate more effectively using e-mail.

Effective E-mail Communication

It can help you determine when e-mail is and is not an efficient way of communicating and write e-mail that successfully conveys your message to your intended audience. Background Although e-mail is a valuable communication tool, its widespread use in academic and business settings has introduced some new challenges for writers. Because it is a relatively new form of communication, basic social conventions for writing and responding to e-mail are still being worked out. So—how do you know when sending an e-mail is the most effective way of getting your message across? When is e-mail the appropriate form of communication to use? E-mail is a good way to get your message across when: When is e-mail NOT an appropriate form of communication to use? E-mail is not an effective means of communication when:

Open Space Technology

Creative Spark: Dustin Lance Black. The index and the menu. "People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do. Internal communication. Become a Content Curation King. Sean Carton | August 29, 2011 | 18 Comments inShare79.

Become a Content Curation King

Content Curation Primer. Photo by Stuck in Customs.

Content Curation Primer

Content Curation: definition and generation. A lot has been already talked about Content Curation, meant as the capacity of filtering and adding value to the content we receive and are exposed to everyday from all the online sources (Search and Social). Content Curation is certainly more necessary than ever, a critical task in the business environment, not only in Marketing, Communications or Advertising, but it is especially so in areas such as Product, Innovation, Customer Service or Human Resources. Its impact goes far beyond the content we may generate. Really it is a state of mind affecting the monitoring, research, investigation and the way we listen to people and are able to discern what affects us what not.

But what could be a definition of Content Curator? 10 Communication Secrets of Great Leaders. Annual Report. Teaching That Goes the Distance Dr. Clark Adams' online classes open doors to higher education, offering enriching learning opportunities anytime, anywhere. ITS Annual Report 2012. Three Stories Every Nonprofit Should Tell. Home - Future of StoryTelling. Empathy, Neurochemistry, and the Dramatic Arc: Paul Zak at the Future of StoryTelling 2012. Story Wars: Jonah Sachs for the Future of StoryTelling 2012. Communication is a path, not an event. Why Steve Jobs Was An Education Innovator - Citizen Schools. Colin Stokes – Citizen Schools Director of Marketing and Communications.


Marketing. Visualize This: How to Tell Stories with Data. By Maria Popova. Simplicity. Presentations. Startup Lessons From The Ink-Stained Trenches. Startup founders and news reporters have more in common than being stereotypically broke. Apologies, ranked. The problem with "global warming" The first law of mass media. Organizations will work tirelessly to de-personalize every communication medium they encounter. Radio ads used to be live, personal and spoken by an individual.TV ads used to feature actual people, demonstrating something, usually live.Phone calls involved a live speaker, talking, with permission, to another person.Email used to be honest interactions between consenting adults.Facebook pages (and Wikipedia, too) were built by people, not staffs.Twits came from real people, and so did instant messages.

Eight email failures (and questions for those that want to do better)