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Data Catalog Vocabulary/Use Cases and Requirements - W3C eGovern. Document Availability Information Ontology (DAIA) Latest Version Version Info Beta version 2011-12-15 Download daia.owl.n3 Abstract The Document Availability Information Ontology (DAIA) describes the current availability of documents in libraries and similar institutions. Table of Contents Classes Classes defined in this Ontology (8) daia:Storage rdf+xml n3 A place where instances of frbr:Item are stored. ⊆ Superclasses: org:Site, terms:Location (Every instance of this class is also a Site and a Location) Notes: Physical items can be related to storages with geo:location. See also: foaf:primaryTopicOf, foaf:name, terms:title, geo:SpatialThing, foaf:page Classes defined in other Ontologies (7) Object Properties Object properties link resources to other resources. Object Properties defined in this Ontology (16) daia:availableFor rdf+xml n3 Relates an Item to a Service which the Item is available for.

Data Properties daia:delay daia:expected. Data Catalog Vocabulary (dcat) | DERI Vocabularies. Data Catalog Vocabulary (dcat) | DERI Vocabularies. Richard Cyganiak's Homepage. Digital Enterprise Research Institute: Home. Dataset Catalog Vocabulary. This Version [HTML] [RDF] Latest Version Author(s) CTIC CT - Creative Commons 3.0 (BY-NC-SA) This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License. Table of Contents Introduction Changes From Previous Version 2009-09-28 - first issued Namespace The URI for this vocabulary is When used in XML documents the suggested prefix is ds Each class or property in the vocabulary has a URI constructed by appending a term name to the vocabulary URI. The term name for a class always starts with an uppercase character. Catalog Dataset The term name for a property always starts with an lowercase character.

MemberOf member Summary of Terms This vocabulary defines 2 classes and 3 properties . Vocabulary Classes Class: Catalog Definition: Catalog which have defined datasets in History Class: Dataset Definition: A dataset Vocabulary Properties License. DCMI Home: Dublin Core® Metadata Initiative (DCMI) SKOS Simple Knowledge Organization System Namespace Document - H. Status of this Document This document describes the schema available from the SKOS namespace. Introduction The Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS) is a common data model for sharing and linking knowledge organization systems via the Semantic Web.This document provides a brief description of the SKOS Vocabulary.

For detailed information about the SKOS Recommendation, please consult the SKOS Reference [SKOS-REFERENCE] or the SKOS Primer [SKOS-PRIMER]. SKOS Schema Overview The following table gives a non-normative overview of the SKOS vocabulary; it replicates a table found in the (normative) SKOS Reference [SKOS-REFERENCE]. See also the SKOS Namespace Document - RDF/XML Variant [SKOS-RDF]. References SKOS Reference, Alistair Miles, Sean Bechhofer, Editors. SKOS Namespace - RDF/XML Variant. SKOS Primer, Antoine Isaac, Ed Summers, Editors. Acknowledgements This document is the result of extensive discussions within the W3C's Semantic Web Deployment Working Group. C eGovernment Wiki. Expression of Core FRBR Concepts in RDF. Creators Richard Newman Contributor This vocabulary is an expression in RDF of the concepts and relations described in the IFLA report on the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR).

[en] This vocabulary is a work in progress, it includes RDF classes for the group 1, 2 and 3 entities described by the FRBR report and properties corresponding to the core relationships between those entities. It does not yet describe attributes of the entities. Copyright © 2005 Richard Newman and Ian Davis History 2005-07-15 - first issued2005-10-14 - semantic change by Ian Davis: Added type hierarchy2009-05-16 - editorial change by Ian Davis: Various minor tidying tasks Namespace The URI for this vocabulary is When abbreviating terms the suggested prefix is frbr Each class or property in the vocabulary has a URI constructed by appending a term name to the vocabulary URI.

Term Summary Properties and Classes abridgement Status. RDF par l'apprentissage : FOAF. J'avoue que j'ai encore du mal à comprendre tous les principes de RDF. Je me suis donc pris en main et pour découvrir ses potentialités et son fonctionnement, j'ai commencé par FOAF. Pour bien poser tous les concepts, quoi de mieux que de vous faire partager cette découverte.

Comme son nom l'indique, Ressource Description Framework, RDF offre des outils pour décrire des ressources de n'importe quel type, du moment qu'elle est désignée par une URI. Il est basé sur le principe des triples : <SUJET><PREDICAT><OBJET>. Si je prends un exemple simple, cela donne : « l'URL (le sujet) a : pour titre (prédicat) : les petites cases (objet) ;pour description (prédicat) : Fourre-tout personnel virtuel de Gautier Poupeau, alias Got (objet) ;pour auteur (prédicat) : Gautier Poupeau (objet) ;pour langue (prédicat) : le français (objet) ; » Il existe de nombreuses ressources sur le Web qui expliquent parfaitement FOAF en français, par exemple : <rdf:RDF. LODE: An ontology for Linking Open Descriptions of Events. HypiosVoCampParisMay2010 - VoCamp Wiki. Logo of Hypios VoCamp Paris 2010 [1] The 2nd VoCamp (WhatIsVoCamp) in France, will take place in Hypios Headquarters in Paris the 13th and 14th May 2010.

The hashtag for the vocamp is #hyvoc [edit] Outcomes This VoCamp on Flickr : photos tagged with #hyvoc Follow on Twitter : twits with the tag #hyvoc Follow on : notices with the tag #hyvoc Follow on FriendFeed : feeds with the tag #hyvoc be completed after the VoCamp... [edit] User (weighted) Interests Ontology Related Ontologies: IMOe-foafWI [edit] Use case 1 We want to be able to express user's interest in a more rich way, by also including the importance of a certain topic of interest, and we want to express contextual information about time when the interest appeared, as well as the evidences that lead to the conclusion about the appearance of a certain user interest. [edit] Use case 2 [edit] Original WI implementation original WI [edit] basis [edit] Proposed changes to the current WI model: Note on the previous comment (Alex).

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