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Twin Souls, Flames & Rays

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Kenmerken en fases: tweelingzielen, vlammen en stralen. Ontmoeting met je tweelingvlam Je kunt je tweelingvlam past ontmoeten als je ziel reeds volledig de persoonlijkheid overstraalt. Meer en meer leef je vanuit je Ik-Ben bewustzijn en vanuit een nog grotere hartenergie. Vele dingen zijn er al veranderd in je relaties, in je karakter, in je natuur. Er is nog meer liefde, rust, vertrouwen, kalmte, onafhankelijkheid, zelfvertrouwen en zekerheid in je gekomen. Je Bent echt Iemand! Je éénheidsbewustzijn, het willen delen en dienen worden belangrijker dan je "ikje". Op het moment dat je je tweelingvlam herkent valt alles even stil Het voelt als de andere jij. Gaat er dan ook niet om om die ander te overtuigen dat je samen moet komen, zijn of blijven, maar om je eigen grotere deel, het mooie deel dat je voelt en ziet in de ander, in jezelf te gaan zien en leven. De tweelingvlam heeft veel overeenkomsten met jou. Bij de ontmoeting van je tweelingvlam klikt het nog veel sterker dan bij dat van tweelingzielen.

Kenmerken tweelingstralen. The 4 Requirements for a Twin Flame Relationship to Work. | elephant journal. 19.12.16 - 19. Dec, 2016 Dearest beloveds. Seasonal greetings to you all. We come through at this time with exciting tidings to share, important news from the higher dimensional realms of consciousness, regarding some of the specifics of this energetic gateway that we are in as a collective. As we stated in our last sacred written transmission, the 12:12 gateway saw the coming together of many high vibrational light workers, who, succinctly and masterfully anchored the 12:12 strand DNA helix into the third dimensional field.

On this date Gaia will be aligning with an influx of photonic light particles that are diamond in configuration. The most proficient way for us to illustrate what is happening on this date is to invite you to imagine an iPhone which periodically receives messages that it is time for it to receive an IOS upgrade. The more awakened and awakening ones that gather on this day the more swift and a far reaching the effect of this upgrade will be.

In eternal love and light Love Jen. ha! Twin Flame Forecast Dec. 19th-25th “Love Gateway” 3D Polarity Flares Up As a Final Block to Union – Winter Solstice Opens For More Anchoring Into 5D. Meeting Place Between The Spheres – Powerful Influxes of Light… Welcome into one of the peak seasons of the year! With the holidays there is a lot of tension in the collective fields in this period, especially as Mercury goes Retrograde from December 19th. In general it’s helpful if you can focus on positivity and nurturing your inner happiness right now, as it will lift you up above the fray. Shield yourself, listen to holiday music (music clears and uplifts the energy in a room), and if you’re set to be spending time with family make sure you clear cords afterwards so you don’t take anyone else’s “baggage” with you and have it complicating things with your Twin Flame.

Softening Of the Masculine In cosmic energy terms this week is a heightened time of change, the culmination and release period of recent months’ developments. Mercury Retrograde – How Use It To Your Benefit Opening Up Intuition. Free Twin Flame Help Kit - Instant Download.