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Full List - ALL TIME 100 Novels - TIME. Welcome to the massive, anguished, exalted undertaking that is the ALL TIME 100 books list.

Full List - ALL TIME 100 Novels - TIME

The parameters: English language novels published anywhere in the world since 1923, the year that TIME Magazine began, which, before you ask, means that Ulysses (1922) doesn’t make the cut. In May, posted a similar list, of 100 movies picked by our film critics, Richard Corliss and Richard Schickel. This one is chosen by me, Richard Lacayo, and my colleague Lev Grossman, whom we sometimes cite as proof that you don’t need to be named Richard to be hired as a critic at TIME, though apparently it helps.

Just ask our theater critic, Richard Zoglin. For the books project, Grossman and I each began by drawing up inventories of our nominees. Even so, there are many titles we couldn’t fit here that we’re still anguishing over. This project, which got underway in January, was not just a reading effort. There were also first time discoveries. Lists like this one have two purposes. Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... There are many pages on my main website, and they have nearly 8,000 categorized links appropriate for English Language Learners.

Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day...

The best place to start exploring is the Main English Page. You can read an overview about each section of my website on the Teacher’s Page. This page also has many links specifically useful to teachers. You can also go directly to each page of my website: English For Beginners and Early Intermediate English Themes for Beginners and Early Intermediate English For Intermediate and Advanced English Themes for Intermediate and Advanced Bilingual Exercises For English Language Learners Examples of Student Work Science For English Language Learners Geography and United States History For English Language Learners World History For English Language Learners The Best Websites (under construction) I also have a page that has links to a number of articles I’ve written that teachers might find useful:

Free Audio Books - Download an audio book in mp3 or iPod format today! Adolescent Literacy - Books & Authors. Welcome to Google Lit Trips! Digital Booktalk. Kurt Vonnegut at the Blackboard. Voices in Time I want to share with you something I’ve learned.

Kurt Vonnegut at the Blackboard

I’ll draw it on the blackboard behind me so you can follow more easily [draws a vertical line on the blackboard]. This is the G-I axis: good fortune-ill fortune. Death and terrible poverty, sickness down here—great prosperity, wonderful health up there. Your average state of affairs here in the middle [points to bottom, top, and middle of line respectively]. This is the B-E axis. Now let me give you a marketing tip. Another is called “Boy Meets Girl,” but this needn’t be about a boy meeting a girl [begins drawing line B]. Now, I don’t mean to intimidate you, but after being a chemist as an undergraduate at Cornell, after the war I went to the University of Chicago and studied anthropology, and eventually I took a masters degree in that field. One of the most popular stories ever told starts down here [begins line C below B-E axis]. There’s to be a party at the palace. It’s a pessimistic story. His father has just died. Kurt Vonnegut Turns Cinderella Into An Equation : Krulwich Wonders...

Man is a pattern-finding animal.

Kurt Vonnegut Turns Cinderella Into An Equation : Krulwich Wonders...

There are folks who look at a scene like this... And what they this... Or so I'm told. I'm not one of their tribe, but scientists and mathematicians, I imagine, do this compulsively. They can't help themselves. All of us, even if we have no knack for science, look at the weather, at our children, at our markets, at the sky, and we see rhythms and patterns that seem to repeat, that give us the ability to predict.

Do any of us live beyond pattern? I don't think so. Which he then did. Thanks to Hokumberg Goombah and Gig Thurmond for noticing this; and to Abstruse Goose, a web-based comic strip drawn by I'm not sure who (the author signs his name *******) for our bunny-eats-a-carrot illustrations.