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The Hypertext d20 SRD (v3.5 d20 System Reference Document) Free fantasy maps for non-commercial use. Tabletop Projection. Forgotten Realms Calendar Tool. Almost every person or race of Faerûn marks the passage of days, seasons, and even years in some fashion. Most of Faerûn uses the Calendar of Harptos, named after the long-dead wizard who invented it. Few bother to refer to Harptos by name, however, since the calendar is the only calendar they know. The following launches the Forgotten Realms Calendar Tool -- chronicling the complete cycle of days (with important holidays and Shieldmeet "leap days" included), phases of the moon -- and even names of all years in their complete and accurate form. The naming of the years is not random, nor does it necessarily commemorate any great event or occurrence.

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