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Interactive hacking sites

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18 Useful Web Based Code Editors for Developers. The main tool for developers is of course code editors.Mostly it is a standalone application but you know there are also many online code editors around the internet.There may be times which you are not with your computer so the below web based or let’s say browser based online editors will help you to do almost every coding like editing,sharing,debugging etc. Today we selected most preferred online code editors by developers.If you know anyother which you think really useful just drop a comment. CodePen CodePen is an HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code editor right in your browser with instant previews of the code you see and write.CodePen is a playground for the front end side of the web.

It’s all about inspiration, education, and sharing. Need to build a reduced test case to demonstrate and figure out a bug? CodePen is great for that. CodeAnyWhere Coderun CodeRun Studio is a cross-platform Integrated Development Environment (IDE), designed for the cloud. Cloud9ide Kodingen ecoder ShifEdit Ideone. Codepad. Online Code Editor - Codeanywhere - Codeanywhere. Hacktest. HackThis!! - The Hackers Playground. HackQuest :: Learn about Hacking, Cracking, JavaScript, PHP, Cryptology and Password security. Hack This Site! Exploit/Vulnerability Search Engine. Hacker (programmer subculture) A team of hackers competing in the CTF competition at DEF CON 17 A hacker is an adherent of the subculture that originally emerged in academia in the 1960s, around the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)'s Tech Model Railroad Club (TMRC)[1] and MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory.[2] A hacker is someone who loves to program or who enjoys playful cleverness, or a combination of the two.[3] The act of engaging in activities (such as programming or other media[4]) in a spirit of playfulness and exploration is termed hacking.

Richard Stallman explains about hackers who program: What they had in common was mainly love of excellence and programming. They wanted to make their programs that they used be as good as they could. They also wanted to make them do neat things. They wanted to be able to do something in a more exciting way than anyone believed possible and show "Look how wonderful this is.

The Jargon File has had a role in acculturating hackers since its origins in 1975.