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Sacred Space | Daily Prayer Online. My Word Like Fire. Thomas Merton Quotes. Mother Teresa Quotes. Michael Downey: Jean Vanier: Recovering the Heart. SPIRITUALITY TODAY Winter 1986, Vol. 38, pp. 337-348. Michael Downey: Jean Vanier: Recovering the Heart THERE has been a glut of literature of late on the subject of Christian spirituality.

Likewise, there has been ample discussion about the heart and its role in the Christian life. What useful purpose is to be served by yet another article on the spirituality of the heart? Perhaps one of clarification. My aim here is to spell out briefly what the term "spirituality" means, and to present a more thorough explanation of what is meant by the term "heart.

" The exposé of both the nature of spirituality and the significance of heart is based upon an interpretation of the writings and life of Jean Vanier and the communities of l'Arche. Now it is evident that the human virtues perfect man in so far as it is his nature to be moved by reason in the things he does, both interiorly and exteriorly. In comparison with the theological virtues the gifts are subordinate. Favorite Sites | Nouwen Legacy.

Larry Gillick