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Just Over the Horizon: Bloodless Glucometers - A Unique Health Blog with Unique Contents - Health Blog. Is it possible to check your blood sugar without a finger prick? Believe it or not, it might be possible in the not-so-distant future. Right now, there are several companies testing bloodless glucometers. One of them uses light to measure blood sugar in 20 seconds or less. While the landscape for this kind of technology is pretty bare at the moment, the companies out there with a real shot at bringing something to market have solid research behind them. Grove Instruments It seems incredible that you could use a bloodless glucometer to monitor your blood sugar, but that’s exactly what Grove Instruments promises.

It’s newest creation involves its Optical Bridge technology, and uses near-infrared spectroscopy to measure your real-time blood sugar in just under 20 seconds. The product doesn’t have any accessories, and it’s battery operated like a traditional meter. How does it fare on accuracy? Integrity Applications Integrity Applications has designed a device called “GlucoTrack.” OrSense. LINQ Study Material: LINQ-Hour 2 (LINQ to SQL) Written By:-Isha Malhotra( if you find this article useful then leave your comment LINQ to SQL SQL is a structured Query Language. When we need to interact with database using LINQ then we mapped our relational database to object oriented language using LINQ to SQL. To interact with database we use Datacontext class which is in System.Data.LINQ. this class contains the constructor in which we have to pass the connection string.

Steps to work with LINQ to SQL Step 1:- Add LINQ to SQL Class by using Add New Item. Figure 1 Step 2:- Now add class by using Add New Item. Using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Web; using System.Data.Linq.Mapping; [Table(Name="prod_rep")] public class Class1 [Column] public int prod_year; public string dept; public int no_of_prod; Prod_rep is table name in the database and others are columns. Step 3:- Now create the object of DataContext class and pass the connection string in the constructor. Figure 2. Learn to Speed Read! A Guide to Designing and Building RESTful Web Services with WCF 3.5. Aaron Skonnard, Pluralsight October 2008 Overview From the point of view of REST, a “real” Web service is a service designed to embrace the “Web” from the ground up. The Web has become the most successful distributed computing platform ever developed, thanks to years of investment and widespread usage.

The Web platform includes concepts that you’re probably already familiar with like URIs, HTTP, and common data formats like XML, RSS/ATOM, and JSON. REST defines an architectural style based on a set of constraints for building things the “Web” way. Before immersing ourselves in the world of REST, we should review the essence of the Web platform as we know it today. Resource-Oriented Architecture On the Web, every resource is given a unique identifier, also known as a universal resource identifier (URI). Since a given URI uniquely identifies a resource, it can be saved for future use and shared with others. Fundamental HTTP Concepts Figure 1: Some common HTTP methods REST Defined ?

{username}? ? The First 90 Days: Critical Success Strategies for New Leaders at All Levels - Michael Watkins. Astrophotography: Deep Sky Stacker Tutorial. ΙΚΑ-ΕΤΑΜ - Ασφαλιστική Ικανότητα.


Java Script. Sandcastle Help File Builder - Documentation. How to Interview: Project Manager. By: Dona Dezube The best project managers are like axles -- they smoothly link management, clients and staff and keep projects rolling along. To find the best applicant for your project manager job description, be sure you're familiar with how to interview candidates to explore their interpersonal skills, business methodology and technical competence. Interview Questions to Ask: Technical Skills & Methodology Technical skills make a great starting point for a project manager interview because they’re typically easy to answer, so they put the job candidate at ease. Start by asking a softball question: What software have you used to manage projects in the past?

Then try a harder-edge query: If I gave you a laptop to plan your next project, what software would you want on it? Once you’ve determined the candidate is technically competent, explore their methodology for handling projects, says Joseph Logan, author of Seven Simple Steps to Landing Your First Job. How do you do your scheduling? 5 Best Responsive Table Plugins & Concepts | ProgrammingFree. Displaying data in tabular format is almost inevitable in all data driven web applications. After the advent of responsive web design, there has been many proven concepts for making data tables responsive starting from Chris Coyier's attempt to convert columns to rows labelled with column header.

This article includes a collection of 5 best responsive table plugins or concepts each of which stands unique in the way it renders the table in devices with smaller screens. Footable.js Footable is a jquery plugin to make responsive tables and my favorite too. It hides certain columns on smaller screens and the rows are expandable to show the data that was hidden. Responsive Table Design by Filament Group Another approach proposed by Maggie of Filament Group provides all columns to the user and lets the user select which column to display on smaller screens. Flip Scroll Zurb's Responsive Table. Responsive Menus. Groveinstruments.