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Lockheed Martin moves 3D printing to the production line. 3D printing is fast moving into the big leagues as it becomes less of a way to print plastic key fobs and more of a tool for the likes of aerospace giants. Earlier this month the Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company showcased it next-generation, digitally integrated design and manufacturing process with a tour of its Denver, Colorado facility for community leaders from Jefferson County. View all During the tour on October 4, Lockheed Martin's Vice President of Production, Dennis Little, introduced the company’s next-generation digital manufacturing technologies called Digital Tapestry. This is a Model Based Engineering (MBE) tool that Integrates design and manufacturing into a single process. When the design moves onto the factory floor, it’s a seamless transition because Lockheed is moving away from tasks, such as manually cutting fabric for satellite blankets or bending and inspecting fuel lines, in favor of automated fabrication and testing that works off of the digital model.

How You Can Train Your Mind To Do The Impossible. We know that the human brain is a powerful organ, but many of us aren't aware of how much the mind is truly capable of -- and much more powerful it can become through deliberate training. By exercising the brain (yes, you can use repetition and habit as you do when you exercise the body), we can achieve what may have previously seemed nearly impossible. A multitude of studies have linked meditation with both physical and mental health benefits, from reduced depression and anxiety to improved immune system functioning. And thanks to a line of research that looks at the brain power of of Buddhist monks -- who have devoted their lives to the practice of meditation, compassion and non-attachment -- we now know that the brain changes that result from years of mindfulness practices can be staggering.

"What we found is that the longtime practitioners showed brain activation on a scale we have never seen before," neuroscientist and meditation researcher, Richard J. You can increase your empathy. Myo - Gesture control armband by Thalmic Labs. The inheritance of the primary cilium and the soul of the cell. ( —The primary cilium plays the role of conductor, and antenna, to many kinds of cells. In photoreceptors, the cilium has been morphed into an expansive pigment-infused photon sieve, while in olfactory cells it is modified to consume the essence of an odorant.

Once thought to be captured endosymbionts (as mitochondria are still held to be), cilia are now believed to have been largely eukaryotic inventions rather than the result of prokaryotic acquisitions and mergers. Motile cilia are similar to bacterial flagella, but show several important distinctions. Conventional wisdom holds that when a cell divides, the primary cilium is deconstructed to enable its associated centriole to concentrate on its job as spindle builder.

In a paper just released in Cell, researchers now show that a proteinaceous membrane remnant from the hub region of the primary cilium is endocytosed and at mitosis onset, and travels along with the so-called mother centriole as a tiny vesicle. J.A.R.V.I.S. Nuclear Fusion -Arc Reactor. Tony Stark.