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Public Library Portraits of California's Homeless. On a recent visit to the Sacramento library, the high number of homeless patrons I saw there surprised me.

Public Library Portraits of California's Homeless

Seeing them in that quiet space, consumed by traditional media, I was struck by the difference between them and most of society with its 24/7 connection to streaming digital media. I began this project to take myself out of my own patterns and habits, to change my perspective, to observe, to listen, to understand, and to share this place of quiet. I met a woman, homeless, seated at a desk in the “quiet zone” on the fourth floor.

She was looking thoughtfully out the library window and writing in her journal. She had a heavy volume on nursing with her. Being homeless often means living off the mainstream grid, unplugged from the Internet, email, and streaming media. Jeffrey Matulich was looking for books by the author Henry Miller when he discovered the work of Kurt Vonnegut. In 2010 the federal government set forth an ambitious goal to end chronic homelessness by 2015. Sotheby’s Sells $280.5 M. of Imp-Mod in London, Led by Klimt, Malevich, Manet. The $38.9 million Klimt.

Sotheby’s Sells $280.5 M. of Imp-Mod in London, Led by Klimt, Malevich, Manet

School is out and vacations for many are finally beginning in earnest, but the art market just keeps chugging! Tonight in London, Sotheby’s sold £178.6 million ($280.5 million) worth of art at its annual June Impressionist and modern evening sale, absolutely trouncing its arch-rival Christie’s, which brought in £71.4 million ($113 million) at its sale yesterday. The top lot of the auction was a nearly six-foot-tall portrait of a pink–cheeked Gertha Baruch von Felsőványi by Klimt, which handily surpassed its high estimate of £18 million ($28.3 million), selling for £24.8 million ($38.9 million) with buyer’s premium. (All sales figures include buyer’s premium.) The sell-through late by lot was 84 percent.The number-two lot of the night came in just behind Klimt, at £21.4 million ($33.6 million): a 1915 Malevich, with piercing rectangles of green, black, yellow, and two shades of blue.

The psychology of emojis. I have a confession to make: I’m a grown woman who peppers pretty much every text and social media post I send with smileys, hearts, stars and various other decorations.

The psychology of emojis

Emojis have taken over my communication—and I’m far from alone. According to Swyft Media, 74 percent of people in the U.S. regularly use stickers, emoticons or emojis in their online communication, sending an average of 96 emojis or stickers per day. All this adds up to a total of six billion emoticons or stickers flying around the world every day on mobile messaging apps. In a recent post, I had a lot of fun learning about the psychology of emoticons and chronicling a few reasons to use emoticons in your writing and social media. No a drone didn't strike a plane leaving New York, it's a hoax. A video was posted to Liveleak earlier today purporting to show a drone colliding with a Southwest Airlines flight leaving New York and shearing off the tip of its wing.

No a drone didn't strike a plane leaving New York, it's a hoax

It’s got lots of play on Twitter…but it never happened. Check the wing closely and you’ll see this URL – – which doesn’t belong to an airline but to a visual effects designer in Kansas City called Bruce Branit. He tells me he’s “not sure how this blew up like this” and is working on a Making Of video right now. He claims he didn’t post the video to Liveleak, but rather shared it on his company YouTube page. A death-themed animated short so powerful it'll stick with you all day. When an animation manages to clock up more than 20 international film awards and an Oscar shortlist nomination you can be fairly sure it’s going to warrant taking nine minutes out of your busy morning – nine minutes you might have spent making coffee, or smoking, or chatting to a babe in HR – to watch.

A death-themed animated short so powerful it'll stick with you all day

Coda is a short film by Dublin-based animation studio And Maps And Plans, which follows one lost soul’s drunken stumble home from a nightclub in the early hours of the morning. Endless Gravity // 14-BIT RAW. Beautifully Creepy Photos Show What Happens When You Abandon An Amusement Park. While climbing on top of an abandoned roller coaster in Berlin earlier this year, photographer Seph Lawless suddenly heard the police.

Beautifully Creepy Photos Show What Happens When You Abandon An Amusement Park

"They said 'Hey you, get down here,' or something in German," he says. "I don't think I've ever been so scared in my entire life. " But even after the cops had taken his passport and were walking him out of the park, Lawless (the name is a pseudonym) couldn't resist taking one more picture. "I had the whole park except for one shot I really wanted more than anything," he says. Iranian Women Are Posting Pictures Of Their Hair To My Stealthy Freedom Facebook Page To Protest Strict Hijab Laws.

If you're a woman in Iran, covering your head with a head scarf, or hijab, isn't just a religious ritual — it's the law.

Iranian Women Are Posting Pictures Of Their Hair To My Stealthy Freedom Facebook Page To Protest Strict Hijab Laws

And if they don't abide by that law, which came to fruition during the 1979 revolution, they could be even be arrested. Women have protested the hijab law before, even with sweet dance moves, but now they're taking to social media, starting with a group on Facebook called My Stealthy Freedom. Masih Alinejad, an Iranian Journalist now living in Brooklyn, wants women in Iran to have the freedom to choose to cover up or not and started the page to get them to tell their stories. See These Emotional Photograph Portraits of Chinese Identical Twins.

It’s that time of year again.

See These Emotional Photograph Portraits of Chinese Identical Twins

Folding tables are sprouting up in driveways all over the U.S., because yard sale season has arrived once more. But selling your old junk on the side of the road is no way to maximize your returns — that’s best done online. And when it comes to second-hand sales, eBay is still first-rate in a crowded marketplace of e-commerce sites. “EBay is great to sell used products, one-of-a kind items, antiques, or items that are broken,” says Jordan Malik, author of The Free eBay Products Worth Thousands That You Can Sell Today. Wait, broken items? A font made out of Instagram images. There are a lot of interesting ways to use Instagram for more than just selfies and food.

A font made out of Instagram images

This creative website takes Instagram photos and turns them into a unique font. Type To Design curates letterforms taken on Instagram as part of the 36 Days of Type project which challenges creative designers and illustrators to capture creative letterforms and numbers in all different types of styles. You simply go to the site and start typing what you would like to appear in Instagram letters.

If you don’t like a particular letter, you can click it and a new one will generate for you. An Interactive ‘Fur’ Mirror by Daniel Rozin. These Blurry Prime Minister Portraits Reveal How Governments Change Without Really Changing. Many in the U.K. are still a bit dazed by the recent election, which saw the conservative party unexpectedly grab an astonishing number of seats, ensuring David Cameron would remain prime minister.

These Blurry Prime Minister Portraits Reveal How Governments Change Without Really Changing

Perhaps Alan Warburton's work would make some of the country's liberals feel better. In his series Transitions I he used motion blurring photography software to track the country's political changes by comparing portraits of the U.K.'s prime ministers. Warburton's series compares portraits and photos of each prime minister with that of the next. Up till the era of photographs, Warburton uses painted portraits for his comparisons. "I Used To Be You" by Kyoko Hamada. Since 2012, I have been photographing myself as the fictional character "Kikuchiyo-san", an elderly woman living a delicate and fragile existence.

This body of work resulted in a collection of 99 photographs which often use humour, metaphors and storytelling to represent the process of living and ageing and confronting us with the fact that everything is in a constant state of evolution and hopes to remind us that life is a temporal experience. "I Used To Be You" series received the grand prize from the Lens Culture International Exposure Awards and was also included in The Photolucida Critical Mass Top 50.

Help me reach my goal to produce a beautiful limited edition artist book, and bring the "Kikuchiyo-san" story to the world. Violence, Camouflaged: Portraits of Lebanese Women. It is a point of frustrated pride among most Lebanese that they’ve learnt to adapt to their nation’s particular brand of instability and mismanagement. The sliver of a state, wedged between Syria, Israel, and the still blue waters of the eastern Mediterranean, has weathered the violent upheavals roiling the Middle East, but that doesn’t mean that it has remained unscathed. The war next door has propelled at least 1.2 million Syrian refugees across the border into Lebanon, a country of only four million. Bickering among the nepotistic political class has left the nation officially rudderless. Photographer Aleksandra Kingo’s surreal, Wes Anderson-inspired fashion shoots. Aleksandra Kingo: A Heart Disease Called Love, La Monda magazine By now fashion photography has fully embraced awkward imagery.

The tasteful and the kitsch sit side-by-side in such a way that strange juxtapositions, unnatural body language and odd props can all add up to make a successful image. Lithuanian photographer Aleksandra Kingo takes on some of these ideas in her eye-catching, surreal pictures. A self-described “social media child” and graduate of London College of Fashion, Aleksandra accredits her success to social media savvy. Finding inspiration in image-driven online platforms, pop culture, 70s fashion and Wes Anderson movies, her bold, quirky shoots for the hyper-stylised Spanish magazine La Monda – a collaboration with Canadian set designer Camille Boyer – as well as the digital publication I LOVE YOU, show a real attention to detail. I Draw Monsters That Photobomb Pics On Instagram. I draw monsters “photombombing” pictures on Instagram. I started out doodling monsters on any magazine lying around and posting the results.

Soon fellow Instagram users started sending requests to photobomb their pics with my monsters. Instagram photos and videos. An Object at Rest. 9 Squares: A Collaborative GIF Project for Nine Designers Using Four Colors in Three Seconds. Charlie Hebdo Cartoonist: I Will No Longer Draw Prophet Muhammad. This Selfie Stick is Arm Shaped to Make You Look Less Like a Loner. An Object at Rest. Последние тридцать. Онлайн кінотеатр документального кіно DOCU/SPACE – Студвей.

ПРЕСС-ФОТО БЕЛАРУСИ » ПОБЕДИТЕЛИ ПРЕСС-ФОТО БЕЛАРУСИ 2015. PHOTOS: See the American Civil War in Color. 26 апреля: презентация спецвыпуска TheNorDar и выставка проекта «Помешанные» - ARTMISTO. Isolated From the World for 60 Years — The Atlantic. Old Film Roll from eBay Reveals Photos of Korea from Half a Century Ago. SKYGLOW - Astrophotography Book & Timelapse Video Series by Gavin Heffernan and Harun Mehmedinovic. Interrupt: A Slow-Motion Audiovisual Experience of Daily Life in Southeast Asia. Untitled. How Stanford Researchers Mapped The Emotional Life Of Victorian London. 19th-century British novelists like Charles Dickens, Jane Austen, and William Thackeray wrote about very different Londons. Eye vs. camera - Michael Mauser. This Airport Ditches Walkways For A Running Track. Control These Robotic Flowers With Your Mind. Nikon now has a selfie stick for its line of point-and-shoot cameras. A Line of 3D Printed Clothing Based on Defects. Newyorker. THE REINVENTION OF NORMAL.

15 man trends on Pinterest. Your First Look at NYT’s ‘Men’s Style’ Section. The Allure of Dark Tourism - The New Yorker. This Site Shows Everything Streaming On Periscope Right Now. Thailand Declares War on Underboob Selfies; Could Lead To Five Years in Jail. James Corden David Beckham Late Late Show Underwear Ad VIDEO.

Seascapes: Ocean Waves Photographed to Look Like Mountain Ranges. A Visual History Of Beatlemania. "ALSO Shot on an iPhone 6", a Genius Parody of those Apple Ads - The Bold Italic - San Francisco. Print Sale Supports Liberian Beekeepers. Look at me! 33 selfies of the week. Coolhunting. Українська версія хіта Metallica на бандурі підкорює мережу ~ Cultprostir. B&B Project, Metallica nothing else matters (bandura and accordion cover) Металлика бандура и баян. Pigs tattooed with Disney characters and Louis Vuitton being sold for over £50k.

SpaceX Is Letting You Use Its Official Photos. WaPo, Wired, and Gawker Slam NY Times for Pseudoscience on Smartwatches Causing Cancer. The Overlooked History Of Africa's Architectural Modernism. 8 Rare Photos Of The Jim Crow South. Flashgap Hides Photos From Your Night Out Until the Next Day. It Took 100 Versions To Design The Right Cover For This Novel. Lampa. eBay Teams Up with Sotheby's to Livestream its Auctions. A Crucial Music Video About Dressing With Taste. Online Platforms That Bring Video Collaborators Together. - This photographer wanted to show porn stars in... DiCaprio Gives Grenier $50,000 for His Whale Doc. Photographer Harassed Online After Using American Flag as Prop for Baby Photo. Hold On To Your Emotions, the First Trailer for the New Kurt Cobain Documentary Just Dropped. White Out. Reno Is Officially The Most Depressing Place On Earth. See Courtesy Campaign Ads From the ’40s and ’50s. I Photograph Hairless Sphynx Cats To Explore Their Odd Beauty.

New Miniature Wooden Street Art Figures Installed by Joe Iurato. Josef Koudelka on Motivation, Humanity and What Makes a Good Photograph. Both Men And Women Were Asked To Describe A Woman's Ideal Man. The Results Are Telling. For 11 Years, This Man Has Taken Photos Of Everything His Right Hand Touches. Turn Your Old iPhone Into A New, Braun-Inspired Radio.