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Cutthroat Capitalism: The Game. You are a pirate commander staked with $50,000 from local tribal leaders and other investors. Your job is to guide your pirate crew through raids in and around the Gulf of Aden, attack and capture a ship, and successfully negotiate a ransom. How to Play Cutthroat Capitalism: The Game The attack: Your goal is to leave the port of Eyl with your pirate crew, attack and capture a ship as it exits the Gulf of Aden.

How to play: Target: Click on a ship to target it. Key: Pirate: You are the pirate commander. The result: Depending on the class of ship attacked and the tenacity of its crew pitted against your pirate crew's size and firepower, you may or may not be thwarted. The negotiation: Your goal is to increase your profit with tactics that keep the ransom high and lead to a quick resolution. Demand your ransom: Remember the largest ransom ever paid was $3 million for the Sirius Star. Failure? Debt Ski | InDebtEd. Persuasive Games -Presidential Pong. Interactive Graphic - Food Import Follies. -- MADRID. Darfur Is Dying - Play mtvU's Darfur refugee game for change. ETs: Extraterrestres famosos do cinema: Jogo da Memória.

Teste de Personalidade: Quem é você? Mapa de Lost. NEWSGAME - Papai Noel Verde: descubra o presente sustentável ideal para alguém que você gosta. Jogo da Intuição: Quem vê cara conhece a expressão. Sovietes: o quebra-cabeça vermelho. Newsgame: A Cobra Vai Fumar. Newsgame: Os Mortos de Lost. Corrida Eleitoral - Candidatos a presidente nas eleições de 2010. Newsgame: CSI - Ciência Contra o Crime. A evolução do movimento. Newsgame: O Jogo da Máfia. Filosofighters. Game Diferenciado. Desafio dos craques - Infográficos.