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Business creativity and brainstorming articles. How To Be Creative. <A HREF=" Widgets</A> Issue 6 | How To Be Creative By Hugh MacLeodPublished Oct. 19, 2004 6:00 p.m. MacLeod, an advertising executive and popular blogger with a flair for the creative, gives his 26 tried-and-true tips for being truly creative. Each point illustrated by a cartoon drawn by the author himself. If you've ever felt the draw to do something creative but just haven't been able to pull it together, you'll love this manifesto. Download About Hugh MacLeod | Hugh MacLeod is a brand consultant, copywriter and cartoonist. View 1 other manifesto by this author Request Processed. Creativity Lessons - 365 Days of Genius. How Good Designers Think - Simon Rucker - The Conversation. We all know that really good designers somehow think differently from you and me about new products. But just exactly what does this difference consist of?

The best summary of what makes really good designers tick was a simple post by Bruce Nussbaum back in 2007. Since reading that I’ve often pondered the subject and today, I find it helpful to look at my experience of how good designers think (and do) at each stage of the innovation process: insights, inspiration, and action. Insight: They Look at What We Don’t Know Most insight, because it relies so heavily on asking consumers, only deals with improvements to known/ existing products and services (I’d like it bigger, cheaper, quicker, smaller, etc). No one ever asked for Starbucks, or Walkmans or iPods, or the Internet, or texting — they were truly new ideas.

Good designers aim to move beyond what you get from simply asking consumers what they need and want. How? Firstly, they have the ability to visualize what has never been. Meer hoef je niet te weten… creativiteit inspiratie — De Inspiratiekamer. Vergeet alles wat je op school geleerd hebt! De ‘goede’antwoorden worden in het algemeen op school geprefereerd boven de creatieve antwoorden. Vergeet deze ‘goede’antwoorden!

Geeft veel ruimte voor nieuwe antwoorden… Consider this quote from Beatrix Potter: “Thank goodness I was never sent to school; it would have rubbed off some of the originality.” Wordt niet verliefd op je conclusies! Als je te overtuigd bent van je conclusies en ideeën, dan zie je ook alleen maar bewijs dat je gelijk hebt. Wacht niet op inspiratie! Ga achter inspiratie aan! Neem pauzes! Leer om pauzes te nemen en jezelf rust te gunnen en ook vaak even niets te doen. ‘Belangrijke dingen zullen je niet vinden zonder dat jij tijd maakt voor ze om naar je toe te komen.’ Realiseer je dat de ‘gewone standaard stand’ van je brein niet creatief is!

Je brein zal alle informatie die er op je af komt organiseren in de patronen die je hebt aangelegd door je ervaringen uit je verleden. Overdrijf! Laat anderen maar blaffen! Focus!