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Browse Interactives. New drone airplane program sets out to find Bigfoot. It seems there’s almost nothing a drone can’t do these days: deliver pizza , spot giant “ rivers of blood ” in Texas, open up new frontiers of hunting in Colorado and maybe even solve the long-standing mystery of Bigfoot. Idaho State University’s Jeffrey Meldrum tells the Mountain Express he believes drones will provide an edge in hunting down the elusive Sasquatch.

Assuming, of course, that the creature even exists. “These unmanned drones, I believe, are the next step in proving the nature of these creatures,” Meldrum, author of “ Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science ,” told the paper. Meldrum and the University of Idaho are collaborating with William Barnes on a venture called “The Falcon Project,” which will use a camera attached to a 45-foot-long drone to look for evidence of Sasquatch.

“If it’s just a really good story, a coincidence, it is one of the most eternally coherent and consistent stories ever told,” Meldrum said when asked if he believes Bigfoot really exists. 70+ Web Tools Organized For Bloom's Digital Taxonomy. The number of web tools currently available to teachers, administrators, and students is downright absurd. You can’t swing an iPad without hitting a free web tool looking to revolutionize your classroom. Luckily, there are a few brave souls out in the world wide web attempting to organize the chaos a bit. We like to take our best shot here at Edudemic but also like to showcase some of the great organizing done by others.

One of those fabulous organizers is Phillippa Cleaves ( @pipcleaves – worth following!) The web tools are all listed (and clickable!) NOTE: You can click on any of the web tools listed in the presentation to go to their respective website. Source of top image: Wikispaces. Safe and simple blogs for your students. Cloud Technology Forecast: Sunshine with Chance of Showers. Cloud computing is taking K12 by storm with fully 90 percent of K12 institutions relying on or implementing cloud technology in 2012, according to the Consortium for School Networking (CoSN). District CIOs are under increased pressure to cut costs and keep up with the latest technological trends, and implementing the cloud is an easy fix. According to a recent report released by Lenovo and Intel, What IT Leaders in K12 Need to Know about Cloud Computing, cloud technology can save districts up to 25 percent on IT costs within the next five years by outsourcing network maintenance and allowing schools to access low-cost or free educational software.

Like any new technology, however, the move toward the cloud carries risks, especially when it comes to privacy and security. For school district leaders who store confidential information, including students’ addresses, health records, tests scores, and photos on the cloud, ensuring that it is both secure and accessible is especially important. New Sims. AgentCubes Hour of Code. 'Transient electronics': Biocompatible electronic devices dissolve in body, environment (w/ Video) Tiny, fully biocompatible electronic devices that are able to dissolve harmlessly into their surroundings after functioning for a precise amount of time have been created by a research team led by biomedical engineers at Tufts University in collaboration with researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Dubbed "transient electronics," the new class of silk- silicon devices promises a generation of medical implants that never need surgical removal, as well as environmental monitors and consumer electronics that can become compost rather than trash. "These devices are the polar opposite of conventional electronics whose integrated circuits are designed for long-term physical and electronic stability," says Fiorenzo Omenetto, professor of biomedical engineering at Tufts School of Engineering and a senior and corresponding author on the paper "A Physically Transient Form of Silicon Electronics" published in the September 28, 2012, issue of Science .

More information: Interactive Learning Sites for Education - Home. Educational Videos and Games for Kids about Science, Math, Social Studies and English. Creating a Culture of Collaboration Through Technology Integration. Last week, Chrissy and I were invited to give our presentation from ASB Unplugged, Hardware is Not Enough: The Teacher-Facilitator Partnership, to our Headmaster, Dr. Bill Gerritz, and Deputy Headmaster, Andy Davies. Bill and Andy had heard a brief overview when we reported back about the conference, and wanted to get a deeper understanding of how Chrissy and I see the relationship between teachers and technology facilitators.

Our presentation went over well, and Bill asked us to put together an article for the TIE Newspaper. Here’s what I have so far for the article, I would love to get your feedback before I send a finished draft off to Bill: Creating a Culture of Collaboration Through Technology Integration For many years technology was treated as a discrete subject to be taught by a technology teacher. CC image by Billie Joe's Entourage Now the expectation is that classroom teachers will authentically and appropriately embed technology into the learning experience.

Why Collaborate? 50 Ways to Use Wikis for a More Collaborative and Interactive Classroom. Wikis are an exceptionally useful tool for getting students more involved in curriculum. They’re often appealing and fun for students to use, while at the same time ideal for encouraging participation, collaboration, and interaction. Read on to see how you can put wikis to work in your classroom. Resource Creation Using these ideas, your students can collaboratively create classroom valuables. Student Participation These projects are sure to get your students involved. Group Projects Allow wikis to facilitate group work by using these ideas. Student Interaction Get your students to work together on these projects. For the Classroom Use your wiki to create spaces that are special to your class. Community Reach out to the community with these resources that everyone can appreciate.

Other Here are even more fun and useful ways to improve your classroom with a wiki. Did you enjoy this article? Strategies for integrating video into your lessons. Sophia Learning. Evernote. Remote PC access software. Remote login for remote desktop | Splashtop.

Tech Tips for Teachers

Production Tools. Websites for the Classroom. Online Books. Interactive Video Conferencing Services - Education Content - Center for Interactive Learning and Collaboration - Center for Interactive Learning and Collaboration. Teacher Resources | Fit 4 the Classroom.