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Make Your Images Interactive - ThingLink. Saveourrhinos - HOME. Projects By Jen -- WELCOME. Global SchoolNet: Home. ePals. Three Ring. 'What About Me?' An Infographic of Your Social Media Life - Inside Scoop. If you’re into social media or even just new forms of information, you’ve probably seen your fair share of infographics… there’s even a App for that.

But have you ever asked yourself – “What about me?” What could my personal infographic look like? Well, this past week Intel launched a permission-based digital tool that captures a snapshot of your social media life. The infographic colorfully displays what topic you chat about most on your social networks (The Stories I Tell), You’re most popular update (Friend Fave) and most popular pic (Swoonworthy),whether you’re creating, finding, or liking social media content (Made It - Fount It – Liked It), Your social media “mood” (My mood), top social media connections (My Connections), and some of your latest posts (What I’m tallking About Now).

Take a peek at part of my personal inforgraphic to see what it looks like. Still looking for more info on ‘What About Me’? Have fun!! EduClipper. STUDYBLUE | Find and share online flashcards and notes from StudyBlue. Any subject, anywhere, anytime. Infographics & Data Visualization | Piktochart: Infographic and Graphic Design for Non-Designers. Movenote. Symbaloo | Access your bookmarks anywhere | iGoogle alternative. Pinterest. Book Creator for iPad.

Tagboard. My Big Campus. My Big Campus.