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Reviews and Ratings for Family Movies, TV Shows, Websites, Video Games, Books and Music. Children, Teens, and Entertainment Media: The View From The Classroom. - Website Review. College Bound (9-12) Common Sense Media Education. February 27, 2014 We are thrilled to announce the release of our entire Digital Literacy and Citizenship Curriculum as a set of eight interactive, multimedia iBooks Textbooks, available for free in the iBooks Store... read more March 31, 2014 Imagine … a school district that is teaching Digital Literacy and Citizenship lessons to 28,000 K-12 students, with 1,800 trained teachers.

Is it possible? Last week, I hosted an inspiring webinar... read more Categories: K-12 Digital Literacy & Citizenship Curriculum. Rework, Reuse, Remix (6-8) Judge the Fair Use of Case Studies (20 minutes) KEEP students in their groups. TELL students they will view examples of a video and a song in which the creator has reworked copyrighted material. They will then have to judge whether or not the new work is fair use. SHOW students one or both of the case studies below. HAVE student groups discuss whether or not they believe the case study is fair use, referring to their Four Points of Fair Use Student Handout . Have a representative from each group share their group’s final answers with the class. Note: There are no right or wrong answers to each case study.

Case Study 1: Scary Mary (10 minutes) SHOW students the video “Scary Mary. " “Scary Mary” is a video remix of a fake film trailer. ASK: Do you think this video falls under fair use? Fair use: Not fair use: All the clips were from the movie Mary Poppins , so it wasn’t original enough We don’t know if Chris Rule made money from his video, but if he did, it’s less likely to be fair use. They Loved Your G.P.A. Then They Saw Your Tweets. Perhaps she hadn’t realized that colleges keep track of their social media mentions. “It was incredibly unusual and foolish of her to do that,” Scott A. Meiklejohn, Bowdoin’s dean of admissions and financial aid, told me last week. The college ultimately denied the student admission, he said, because her academic record wasn’t competitive. But had her credentials been better, those indiscreet posts could have scuttled her chances. “We would have wondered about the judgment of someone who spends their time on their mobile phone and makes such awful remarks,” Mr.

As certain high school seniors work meticulously this month to finish their early applications to colleges, some may not realize that comments they casually make online could negatively affect their prospects. “Students’ social media and digital footprint can sometimes play a role in the admissions process,” says Christine Brown, the executive director of K-12 and college prep programs at Kaplan Test Prep. Super Digital Citizen (3-5) Curriculum toolkits.

Common Sense on E-rate and CIPA A Toolkit for Schools and Districts If your school gets E-rate funding, chances are you're looking for ways to educate students about Internet safety, appropriate online behavior, and cyberbullying. Our free toolkit makes providing that education and documenting your process a snap. Standing up, Not Standing By: A Cyberbullying Toolkit for Educators Use these engaging lessons and administrator tips to take control of this daunting challenge to your students and your school culture. Rely on it to help start your year off right. Your students -- and their families -- will thank you! NEW! For today’s kids, messages about how they’re expected to behave based on their gender come from all directions including mass media and their friends. Digital Passport by Common Sense Media | Digital Passport. Educate Families: A Home-to-School Program.

Certification. Certification.