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Walking While Black. Fleur Pellerin : « La culture fait partie de la construction citoyenne de chacun » Septième invitée du Bondy Blog Café de la saison, la ministre de la Culture et de la Communication est passée au crible des contributeurs.

Fleur Pellerin : « La culture fait partie de la construction citoyenne de chacun »

Habile dans ce genre d’exercice, entre réponses évasives et professions de foi, difficile de discerner quel cap elle veut tenir. Tout commence par une belle histoire, contée par les blogueurs à travers la diffusion de la conférence de rédaction. Née à Séoul, abandonnée puis adoptée à six mois par une famille française, elle affirme n’avoir « pas eu la culture en héritage ».

Noir & blanc

The politics of being friends with white people. A recent Reuters/Ipsos poll, which found that 40 percent of white people and 25 percent of nonwhite people have no friends of the opposite race, caused me to reflect deeply on the friendship segregation that has characterized my own life.

The politics of being friends with white people

These days most of my close friends are black. No. Let me be honest. All my close friends are black. One of my BFFs likes to joke that all of my white friends were grandfathered in before 1998, the year I graduated high school. In third grade, during the Presidential election of 1988, my grandmother asked me whom I was voting for. Oprah Winfrey Harvard Commencement speech. LA MARCHE Bande Annonce Teaser (2013) Cornel West Attacks Al Sharpton: ‘Bonafide House Negro of the Obama Plantation. Public intellectual Cornel West tore into many of this week’s speeches surrounding the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Cornel West Attacks Al Sharpton: ‘Bonafide House Negro of the Obama Plantation

‘s “I Have a Dream” speech, accusing everyone from President Obama to Rev. Al Sharpton of “sanitizing” Dr. King’s vision. “Brother Martin himself, I think, would’ve been turning over in his grave,” West said of the event. Right-Wing Media Ignore Long-Standing Court Orders To Attack Louisiana School Integration. Continuing right-wing media attacks on the Department of Justice's attempts to protect school integration in Louisiana, Fox News host Bill O'Reilly completely ignored the multiple federal court orders blocking a school voucher plan that may cause re-segregation.

Right-Wing Media Ignore Long-Standing Court Orders To Attack Louisiana School Integration

Recently, right-wing media have been ignoring their proclaimed fidelity to the rule of law and the U.S. Constitution by dismissing violations of civil rights law, supposedly out of sympathy for other persons of color unaffected by the racial discrimination in question. The most prominent example of this paradoxical stance has been right-wing media's strenuous defense of the New York Police Department's (NYPD) stop and frisk policy on behalf of crime victims of color, despite the fact that federal courts have found it unconstitutionally discriminates against millions on the basis of race. O'Reilly gave Republican Gov.

Did Coretta Scott King Oppose Immigration Reform? Conservative media are turning to a 22-year-old letter signed by Coretta Scott King to accuse immigration reform activists of co-opting the civil rights movement.

Did Coretta Scott King Oppose Immigration Reform?

They deceptively argue that the letter proves Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his wife Coretta would have opposed the modern immigration reform movement. In 1991, Coretta Scott King signed a letter addressed to Sen. Doubling The Minimum Wage May Seem Insane, But It Happened In 1949. Even as he’d confidently promised before television cameras in January that he would deliver an astounding increase in the minimum wage, the president knew it would be a difficult fight.

Doubling The Minimum Wage May Seem Insane, But It Happened In 1949

Unprecedented federal debt and thorny unemployment weighed heavily on Washington, both cautioning against forcing businesses to give low-paid workers a raise. The president's own top economic expert had told him the government shouldn’t further distort the dynamics of the free market. Big business was adamantly against the plan. Cinquante ans après Martin Luther King, le rêve inaccompli. Le 28 août 1963, à l’appel des organisations noires menées entre autres par le révérend King, deux cent cinquante mille personnes convergeaient vers le Lincoln Memorial pour réclamer la fin de la ségrégation des citoyens noirs privés de droits civiques.

Cinquante ans après Martin Luther King, le rêve inaccompli

Cinquante ans plus tard, Barack Obama, le président américain, est un homme noir, Oprah Winfrey, la femme la plus puissante du pays, est une Afro-Américaine et Martin Luther King est le seul personnage n’ayant pas été Président auquel Washington a consacré un mémorial. Pourtant, la situation des Noirs américains est loin d’être celle dont rêvait King. Voices for Equality - Timeline. How Dr. King Shaped My Work in Economics. President, Not Preacher, but Speaking More on Race. Martin Luther King: 'I have a dream' revisited. What Happened to Jobs and Justice? For many, the most important addition was Title VII, which prohibited employers and unions from discriminating on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin and sex.

What Happened to Jobs and Justice?

The ban on sex discrimination was itself a further amendment, introduced in January 1964 by Southern Democrats who hoped it would impede the bill’s progress through Congress. Their plan backfired: not only did they fail to scuttle the bill, but their amendment also provided a critical legal tool in the fight for women’s equality. The message of the march still resonated in 1965, when Congress passed the Voting Rights Act, Medicare and Medicaid, key features of President Lyndon B. Harry Belafonte Reflects On The 50th Anniversary Of The March On Washington. Over the last year Harry Belafonte’s inter-generational feud with Jay Z has brought much attention to the image of today’s celebrities.

Harry Belafonte Reflects On The 50th Anniversary Of The March On Washington

And although the acclaimed entertainer and activist expressed his great distaste for some of today’s high-profile artists’ sense of social responsibility, he has celebrated others in the past for revealing America’s strengths. With the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington steadily approaching, Belafonte opened up to Smithsonian magazine during an interview to explain some of the things that he was most impressed about while attending the historical rally half a century ago. “When you looked out at the large crowd and saw so many young faces that were white, and so many that were senior citizens.

Seeing 'New Jim Crow' Placards Seized by Police & More From the March on Washington. Share Marchers carry signs in remembrance of Trayvon Martin during the 50th anniversary commemoration of the March on Washington August 24, 2013.

Seeing 'New Jim Crow' Placards Seized by Police & More From the March on Washington

REUTERS/James Lawler Duggan I spent eight hours today amongst thousands at the March on Washington, and the people present were some of the most remarkable, resilient people I have ever had the privilege to be around. The number-one face on T-shirts, placards, and even homemade drawings was not President Obama or even Dr. John Lewis at March on Washington. 9-year-old activist ‘youngest speaker’ at march. Fifty years ago, at the ripe age of 23, Rep. John Lewis was the youngest speaker at the March on Washington . But this year, the march’s youngest speaker couldn’t even reach the podium. DC Celebrates the 50th Anniversary of the March. Fast-Food Workers Walk Out - Video. Following in the Footsteps of King, and Looking to Galvanize a New Generation. Scenes From the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington. Speech by Representative John Lewis - Video. Speech by Martin Luther King III - Video. Words From Trayvon Martin’s Mother - Video. March on Washington Original Coverage - Document.

Witnesses to History, 50 Years Later. For Many Who Marched in 1963, Progress Has Seemed Fitful. And in August 1963, he found himself standing beside the Reflecting Pool with tens of thousands of others listening to the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. deliver one of the most famous speeches in American history. “I felt that this was the beginning of a new era for black Americans, that whites would respect blacks more,” said Mr.

Smith, whose story exemplifies the journey of millions of black Americans. “From then on, I thought, America is America, it has become what the Constitution stands for.” Wiley A. Branton/Howard Law Journal Symposium - Video Part 4. Thinking on His Feet. George Tames/The New York TimesThe Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in 1963. There are hundreds of thousands of carefully preserved manuscripts and recordings that chronicle every speech, interview and public appearance made by one of America’s greatest orators, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. King’s Dream Remains an Elusive Goal; Many Americans See Racial Disparities.

Five decades after Martin Luther King’s historic “I Have a Dream” speech in Washington, D.C., a new survey by the Pew Research Center finds that fewer than half (45%) of all Americans say the country has made substantial progress toward racial equality and about the same share (49%) say that “a lot more” remains to be done. Blacks are much more downbeat than whites about the pace of progress toward a color-blind society. They are also more likely to say that blacks are treated less fairly than whites by police, the courts, public schools and other key community institutions. While these differences by race are large, significant minorities of whites agree that blacks receive unequal treatment when dealing with the criminal justice system. Race Equality Is Still a Work in Progress, Survey Finds.


Rokhaya Diallo : «Il est temps que nous incarnions le rêve français» Regards croisés entre jeunes Américains et Français, célébration simultanée des luttes antiracistes de part et d'autre de l'Atlantique et réflexion sur la notion d'identité nationale sont au rendez-vous du premier documentaire de Rokhaya Diallo, «Les marches de la liberté».

L'auteure et militante, fondatrice de l'association «Indivisible», nous présente son projet. Qu'est-ce qui a motivé ce documentaire? Le fait que l'identité de la France fasse débat depuis plusieurs années et que ce dernier soit systématiquement biaisé. Car, au final, ce n'est pas notre pays que l'on questionne, mais uniquement une frange de la population, le plus souvent issue de l'immigration post coloniale. En tant que Française d'origine africaine, ce constat, évidemment, me préoccupe. Guardians of Freedom - Operation Arkansas, 1957. On September 24, 1957, President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed Executive Order 10730. The order federalized the Arkansas National Guard and ordered the Secretary of Defense to employ the Arkansas soldiers as well as federal troops to enforce a federal district court order in Little Rock, Arkansas.

Within hours 1,000 soldiers of the 327th Airborne Battle Group of the 101st Airborne Division deployed to Little Rock from their base in Kentucky. Commemorates 1957 Little Rock Deployment. <div id="others"><ul><li><a href="/media/14051/"><img src=" width="150" alt="Army Commemorates 1957 Little Rock Deployment" /></a><div class="title" style = "font-weight:bold;"></div><div class="caption">African-American students are escorted to school by Soldiers. </div></li><li><a href="/media/14062/"><img src=" width="150" alt="Little Rock 9" /></a><div class="title" style = "font-weight:bold;"></div><div class="caption">African-American students arrive at Central High School in Army vehicles, escorted by Soldiers from the 101st Airborne Division.