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Homemade Lightbox - Tutorials. Homemade Lightbox by rob_smith I needed a lightbox for my recent challenge entry and had a look on the interweb for a guide to make one.

Homemade Lightbox - Tutorials

There are a few good ones out there, but I needed something I could build in an hour to shoot for the Skin challenge that was a couple of hours away from closing. 22 Things You Can Do Today to Change Your Photography Forever. Would you pin this on Pinterest? Photographers these days spend so much time on the Internet learning good things about photography that they never make the time to do the things that would be really great for their photography. I’ve compiled a list of 21 things in this article that you can do today that would completely change your photography forever. THIS is how you learn photography! If you like these tips, I hope you’ll consider learning photography with me in one of my 6 online photography classes. Action #1: Learn every function your camera is capable of performing (2 hours)
