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Page corner bookmark for kids in Ideas for kids crafts - StumbleUpon. Japanese Packaging Templates - Best Used With Card Stock or Color Paper - StumbleUpon. Recycled Pillow Box Favors. You know that I save toilet paper rolls.

Recycled Pillow Box Favors

They can be made into so many things — mummies, rockets, Uncle Sam hats, flower party favors………………. NetFlix Origami - Recycle Paper. Toddler crayons... What does one do with a whole bag of old, unwanted, crayons... some that are perfectly good - just extremely illogical for small hands... and others that are broken and of no use to anyone??

Toddler crayons...

Why, recycle them into toddler crayons, of course!!! Like most families with toddlers... no matter what the child's temperament. you always end up with a bunch broken crayons.... Fact of life. Those thin, elongated little buggers, are just not designed for a toddlers chunky hands, or their beautiful, spontaneous spurts of swirling energy & creativity! How to Make Crayon Monogram. Original techniques to tie your shoe laces. Clouds on the ceiling in Crafts for decorating and home decor, parties and... - StumbleUpon. How To Make Owl Stuffies.

Check out these awesome owl stuffies.

How To Make Owl Stuffies

Life in general: yarn bowls. Okay, here's how it goes.

life in general: yarn bowls

It's super easy and just a little bit messy. ;) Supplies: yarn + glue + bowl Prep: Cover a bowl with plastic wrap. Or use a balloon as your form. Butterflies. I saw this craft after the years of different butterfly punch art and i was finally ready. i had pictures of annie painting the paper but they have disappeared. the first step is to watercolor paint on paper.paint all over with pattern or with out....less water makes for brighter colored paint.and let it dry. then punch out as many butterflies as you can. i bought this martha stewart butterfly punch at joann's.they are not cheap but it was on sale and they do have 40% off coupons quite often.and THAT punch is really cool.VERY easy to use!


MY GREEN SIDE · Photo Friday – Crayon Hearts. We spent an afternoon making crayon hearts for Little Greek goddess’s classmates for Valentine’s Day.

MY GREEN SIDE · Photo Friday – Crayon Hearts

A friend of mine suggested the craft because she knows how I love to reuse and my aversion of sugar. We were so pleased at how they turned out… they’re adorable! Here’s all the information in case we’ve inspired you to make this cute and practical Valentine’s craft: Materials. Tutorial: Homemade Sidewalk Chalk. By Michelle Vackar, Modern Handmade Child One of our favorite outside activities at our home is drawing with chalk on the driveway.

Tutorial: Homemade Sidewalk Chalk

You can play hopscotch, four-square, and of course draw and create silly stories. My daughters and I were talking one day as we played hopscotch about how to make chalk and I thought to myself, let’s try it! It ended up being quite a lot of fun. What you will need: • Toilet paper or paper towel tubes • Scissors • Duct tape • Wax paper • Small bucket or disposable container to make the recipe • ¾ cup of warm water • 1 ½ cups Plaster of Paris • 2-3 tablespoons of tempera paint • Paper bag or a “mess mat” ** we made six tubes of chalk – we simply doubled the above recipe Step 1: If you are using paper towel tubes, cut each tube in half, so it is roughly the length of a toilet paper roll tube.

Step 2: Cover one end of each tube with duct table to hold the contents within. Step 3: Cut as many pieces of wax paper as you have tubes. Kids Crafts: Bathtub Soap Crayons And Song For Children. How to Make Non-Obnoxious Alphabet Magnets. Okay, okay.

How to Make Non-Obnoxious Alphabet Magnets

Non-obnoxious isn’t a word. But neither is unobnoxious. Not really, anyway. I’ve come to embrace this part of my life where I have a baby and a toddler. I can’t carry a nice handbag because sippy cups leak and goldfish crackers leave goldfish cracker dust on everything that enters my bag. There will be toys. A multitude of them.

However, for the sake of my sanity, I try to make it look like we all share the space together – adults and tiny ankle biters – as opposed to Jack and me just unrolling sleeping bags in the middle of a Toys R Us. Enter alphabet magnets. Hard plastic. And the floor. Just kidding. But Rembot loves alphabet magnets. Bath Crayons. Hello there!

Bath Crayons

If you are new here, you might want to subscribe to my RSS feed for updates. Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by. Come back soon! Guest Post by Katie Hostetter from Frugal Femina I visited my cousin this summer on my way to a wedding. Capture the Details: Easter egg craft - suncatchers! The kids and I made some pretty Easter egg decorations for our sliding glass door.

Capture the Details: Easter egg craft - suncatchers!

They are super easy to make, too! You will need: crayons in pretty colors, a crayon sharpener (usually built in to the larger crayon boxes), wax paper, invisible thread, a small hole punch, an iron and old towels. Life in general: yarn bowls. Tutorial: Homemade Sidewalk Chalk. MY GREEN SIDE · Photo Friday – Crayon Hearts. Butterflies. Life in general: yarn bowls. Capture the Details: Easter egg craft - suncatchers! Bath Crayons.

How to Make Non-Obnoxious Alphabet Magnets. Kids Crafts: Bathtub Soap Crayons And Song For Children.