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The Biggest Loser's Baked Eggs in Turkey Cups Recipe. Deviled (Stuffed) Eggs Recipe - Southern Recipes. Baked Eggs with Bacon and Spinach. Do y’all remember the scene in Runaway Bride (that’s an Oscar contender if I’ve ever seen one…) where Julia Roberts realizes that she doesn’t know how she likes her eggs?

Baked Eggs with Bacon and Spinach

You know, because she’s always turning herself into the girl that the guy she’s marrying wants to be with? Yeah. That’s not me. Idaho sunrise (baked eggs and bacon in potato bowls) I probably should have poured a nice stiff drink recipe for you all on this loveliest of lovely tax days.

idaho sunrise (baked eggs and bacon in potato bowls)

Especially for my fellow small business owners who just gave half of their revenue back to the government. Good grief, I won’t even go there. Instead though, I thought I’d offer my idea of a more comforting alternative.