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Mercurial hosting — Collaborative Document Editing with svk. By Chia-liang Kao 09/09/2004 Say you have a document that needs to be presented in two languages and you are the translator. While the translation is in progress, someone revises the original master document. This means you now might be working with an outdated paragraph or one no longer present in the master version. This article tries to map this problem to parallel development, which version control systems solve with the branch and merge model. You will also see how svk helps you maintain translated documents easily. The Problem Translating a document takes time and is seldom finished in a single session. Do It By Hand Suppose you want to translate a document into Chinese.

For smaller documents that don't change frequently and take only a few work sessions to finish, this is not a big deal. Version Control Systems Version control systems are essential productivity tools for software development. Installing svk % perl Makefile.PL % make all test # make install. SmartSVN. SmartCVS is an innovative CVS client that runs on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. It has powerful features, such as built-in File Compare/Merge, Transaction display and List Repository Files, and at the same time is easy and intuitive to use. SmartCVS focuses on usability and handling of day-to-day CVS tasks and is not limited to the available CVS command set. Don't waste time on learning command line options and installing a multitude of different tools. Be productive from the start with an easy-to-learn graphical CVS client, which assists you whenever possible and contains all required functionality out-of-the-box.

SmartCVS is available in two edition, the powerful Professional edition and the free Foundation edition. What's new in SmartCVS 7.1? Projects - Mac OS X Packages - Subversion.