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Five Common Interview Questions -- and How to Answer Them Effectively. How to Avoid a Dead End Job: Laying the Groundwork for a Fulfilling Career. In a time of uncertainty with a faltering economy and rising unemployment, you might think it’s best to nail down a job, any job, no matter how demeaning answering phones or passing out mail seems. You sir, are wrong. Any time you go looking for a job, you know that thing you’ll be doing every day for years to come, you need to go in with your head on straight, your mind prepared, and goals determined. Check out the rest of your prep list in our complete guide to finding, scoring, and advancing in the career you’ve been waiting for. Finding a job in this market is somewhat akin to spotting a female homo sapiens in the arcade*. In both scenarios, men are apt to totally lose their cool and scramble desperately and oafishly to snag it/her at all costs. We’ll put on a show, sell out our friends, suck up shamelessly and settle for way, way less than we deserve just for the chance to get our foot in the door.

But that’s no way to close a deal. . * I know, I know. Educate Yourself Passionately. The 10 Best Questions to Ask at a Job Interview. Karen Burns You’re interviewing for a job. After 20 or 30 minutes, you’re asked: “Do you have any questions?” The worst thing you can do is ask, “What is it your company does?” (Hey, it has happened.) The next worst thing you can do is say, “Um, nope, I don’t have any questions.” [See 21 secrets to getting a job offer.] You need to ask some questions! Bottom line: Don’t make the interviewer do all the heavy lifting. [See 50 tips for surviving your worst work day.] So what should you ask? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. [See more career advice at the U.S.News Careers site.] 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. P.S.

10 Killer Interview Tactics You Ought to Know. Job interviews can be a mystery. But you can find success if you follow the right job interview strategies. The following 10 tips are the best job interview strategies to follow if you want to ace your next interview. 1. Study the company One of the best job interview strategies that most candidates ignore is to study the current events of the company. 2. As a candidate, you should be very familiar with your resume. Related: What You Ought to Know About Resume Writing 3. Many candidates don’t properly prepare for a job interview. 4. After landing an interview, you need to study the job description to truly understand what the interviewer is looking for. 5. You know the saying, “There’s never a second chance to make a first impression?”

6. Making positive eye contact is one of the best job interview strategies to follow. Thus, it is very important that you make eye contact when you first meet interviewer and shake hands. 7. 8. 9. 10. 12 Practical Business Lessons From Social Psychology. The Foot in the Door PhenomenonIt’s been said many times that business is all about people. That being the case, perhaps we should stop reading management books for advice and start looking at social psychology. Very simply, social psychologists study how people interact with others – their families, friends, and yes, business partners. Smart marketers and executives have been using the findings of this growing field for decades to close sales, hold effective meetings and get their way in negotiations. But rather than putting you through an academic psychology lesson, we condensed the most useful concepts into one article.

Foot In Door The Concept: If you’re wondering how to convince superiors, employees or customers to do what you ask, try using the foot in the door phenomenon. How You Can Use It: This handy principle has countless applications in the business world. How to Plant Ideas in Someone's Mind.