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Takashi Murakami. TAKASHI MURAKAMI, Invoking the Vitality of a Universe Beyond Imagination, 2014, mixed media, 32 5/16 x 78 3/4 x 37 inches (82 x 200 x 94 cm) © 2014 Takashi Murakami/Kaikai Kiki Co., Ltd.

Takashi Murakami

All Rights Reserved. Takashi Murakami Listed Exhibitions (66 Kb) Takashi Murakami Bibliography (88 Kb) A lightning rod between different cultural valencies (high/low, ancient/modern, oriental/occidental), Takashi Murakami has stated that the artist is someone who understands the borders between worlds and who makes an effort to know them. With his distinctive "Superflat" style and ethos, which employs highly refined classical Japanese painting techniques to depict a super-charged mix of Pop, animé and otaku content within a flattened representational picture-plane, he moves freely within an ever-expanding field of aesthetic issues and cultural inspirations. Murakami lives and works in Tokyo. Artiste transmédia et féministe. Météorite narratif du BIO ART. Son oeuvre questionne le statut du CORPS dans la société. Ses sculptures, HYBRIDATIONS et autoportraits réinterprètent le rôle des nouvelles technologies.

Kuva Salvador Dalista. Marc Quinn. Ron Mueck's art: Big, not clever. I felt a wave of nausea when I walked into Ron Mueck's exhibition at the National Galleries of Scotland.

Ron Mueck's art: Big, not clever

No, this is not the prelude to a rave review that goes on to explain how the visceral realism of Mueck's models disturbed and moved me to my very gut. The sickness I felt was at the prospect of having to waste time, and words, on this flimsy gimcrack charade, on having to walk around with a straight face and pretend this is an exhibition. Of art. "In London, Erica Bolton has been responsible for securing excellent publicity," say the galleries' directors in their foreword to the catalogue, and they are right to be grateful. Mueck's museum show comes garlanded like a Triumph of Caesar. I'm putting my email at the end of this piece so you can tell me, if you like Ron Mueck, what it is it you like about him. Let me reiterate, in case I see the previous paragraph quoted somewhere, that I don't believe a word of it. Now go back and look at Mueck.

Ron Mueck's art: Big, not clever. What Colors Mean In Different Cultures [Infographic] Les couleurs du Moyen-Âge<br/>par Michel Pastoureau. Allez au contenu Allez au menu principal Allez à la recherche Change language Accessibilité Soutenez le Louvre Accueil>Arts & éducation>Conférences en ligne>Initiation à l'histoire des arts>Les couleurs du Moyen Age Les couleurs du Moyen-Âgepar Michel Pastoureau Conférences en ligne L’historien des représentations Michel Pastoureau nous entraîne dans une exploration des couleurs au Moyen Âge.

Les couleurs du Moyen-Âge<br/>par Michel Pastoureau

Pour ce cycle de cours, Michel Pastoureau, directeur d’études à l’École pratique des hautes études où il occupe la chaire d’histoire de la symbolique occidentale, vous entraine dans son époque de prédilection pour une exploration des couleurs au Moyen Âge. L’historien face à la couleur Pourquoi et comment étudier l’histoire des couleurs ? Pigments et colorants Histoires et recettes des matières colorantes Pratiques et codes vestimentaires Le vêtement comme principal code chromatique de la vie en société Les couleurs du blason et la symbolique des couleurs La « révolution bleue » des 12e et 13 siècles Presse. Les couleurs du Moyen-Âge<br/>par Michel Pastoureau. Mondrian and his Studios. Mondrian and his Studios.