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WikiLeaks. EU denies ACTA document request; democracy undermined? From WikiLeaks By NATE ANDERSON (Ars Technica)November 7, 2008 The EU has turned down a request for Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) documents filed by the Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure (FFII). In a letter to the group, the EU said simply that "the documents contain negotiating directives for the negotiation of the above mentioned agreement.

These negotiations are still in progress. Disclosure of this information could impede the proper conduct of the negotiations. " FFII has already appealed the ruling. While governments like the US, Canada, and the EU have indicated that ACTA will not introduce new laws, but simply help with commercial-scale counterfeiting and piracy enforcement, observers have been skeptical.

But trade agreements are negotiated secretly, unlike legislation, which leads the FFII to wonder about the state of European democratic practice: ACTA is a so-called "trade agreement". Secrecy, spies, and ACTA Can such scrutiny be corrosive? See also. ACTA trade agreement negotiation lacks transparency. From WikiLeaks By Vito Pilieci (Canwest News Service) May 26, 2008 OTTAWA -- The federal government is secretly negotiating an agreement to revamp international copyright laws which could make the information on Canadian iPods, laptop computers or other personal electronic devices illegal and greatly increase the difficulty of travelling with such devices.

The deal could also impose strict regulations on Internet service providers, forcing those companies to hand over customer information without a court order. Called the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA), the new plan would see Canada join other countries, including the United States and members of the European Union, to form an international coalition against copyright infringement. The agreement is being structured much like the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) except it will create rules and regulations regarding private copying and copyright laws. Federal trade agreements do not require parliamentary approval. Mr. La Quadrature du Net | Internet & Libertés. La Quadrature du Net | Internet & Libertés. Internet et les technologies numériques permettent à chacun de partager librement l'information numérique. La réappropriation et modification des œuvres (remix) devient en outre une pratique d'expression pour toute une génération.

Aussi, les droits intellectuels sur l'information, quelle qu'elle soit, doivent s'adapter à cette nouvelle donne afin d'encourager l'accès à la culture et à la connaissance. Cela suppose de mettre un terme à la guerre contre le partage d'œuvres culturelles, et d'adopter des politiques permettant la réappropriation de la culture et de la connaissance par le public. Afin que chacun d'entre nous puisse bénéficier des possibilités offertes par l'ère numérique, il est nécessaire de réformer le droit d'auteur et le copyright.

Reconnaître le partage en droit et en fait Explorer de nouveaux modèles de financement de la création, de l'information et des médias Renforcer le domaine public et libérer le patrimoine numérique.