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Leap Motion | YTDump. Hydrogen produced by earth friendly WINDHUNTER Maritime Hydrogen Generation System - Alternative Energy That Works. From ordinary glass to touchscreen - StumbleUpon. Posted by admin on December 29th, 2011 12:48 AM | Technology This concept is the future of the computers made in a very unusual way. In order to be controlled you don`t need a monitor or keyboard. Just need to find any flat glass surface, which will turn into a touchscreen.

To do this, put the computers main unit on the glass, and at the same moment the glass starts to light up, reflecting image controls and a monitor frame. In fact, the glass turns into a touchscreen. Digg. Microsoft offers a glimpse into the future of productivity. Microsoft has posted an awesome new concept video with some ubercool new interfaces that could be here in five to ten years, estimates Kurt DelBene, President, Microsoft Office Division. That sounds a bit conservative. “All of the ideas in the video are based on real technology,” he said. “Some of the capabilities, such as speech recognition, real time collaboration, and data visualization, already exist today. Others are not yet available in specific products, but represent active research and development happening at Microsoft and other companies.” “Other companies” — hmm, some of the concepts look a bit like Nokia’s visionary Morph concept tech (see the video at the bottom of this post and our 2010 news item).

Added: Nov 9, 2011 — A contrarian rant Amara D. Or2dv.jpg (JPEG Image, 588x720 pixels) - Scaled (89%)