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Google-search-commands-new.pdf (application/pdf Object) Free File Hosting Made Simple - MediaFire. Touchfreeze - Utility for Windows that disables touchpad automatically while you are typing text. Track Job Applications, Job Search Tracking - ApplyMate. FAQ | 8tracks. Welcome to Namesake. Quora. Create Tutorials in One Click on Tildee ! Squrl: A clever way to collect and manage video. Create stories using social media - DAYTUM. Nine Tools for Collaboratively Creating Mind Maps. Mind maps or graphic organizers can be invaluable tools for visual thinkers and visual learners.

The process of creating a mind map can help students gain an overview perspective on complex, multifaceted concepts. Mind maps can also help students outline an essay or story they're planning to write. The following list contains nine tools that can be used by students to create mind maps independently or collaboratively. Wise Mapping is a free collaborative mind mapping tool. Slatebox is a slick tool for collaboratively creating mind maps and organizational charts. is a free mind mapping/ graphic organization tool that allows users to collaboratively create and edit mind maps. FlockDraw is a simple service that allows people to quickly and easily collaborate on the creation of a drawing. Cacoo is a feature-rich collaborative diagram creation resource.

Board800 is a simple service that enables anyone to create a collaborative whiteboard space in seconds. Elyse - Freedom from Folders. Taskforce. Create An Awesome Book Of ‘Social Memories’ With Your Facebook Data. Well, now you can, with an app called Social Memories. Being a big proponent of infographics and social media data, I love the idea of viewing all of my Facebook ‘social memories’ in book form, and that’s exactly what this app lets you do. What Is Social Memories? Social Memories is a Facebook app that lets you create a book of your social activity. The app will search through your Facebook history from a chosen period of time and create great looking, infographic-like pages in a book that you can physically order or share on your wall in the form of a photo album.

To view Social Memories in action, just check out this short video: How Do I Use Social Memories? In order to see what Social Memories is capable of, the first thing you’re going to want to do is head over to the app’s Facebook page. On the next screen, you will have to grant Social Memories permission to access your data so that it can gather information for your book. That’s basically it. Conclusion.