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Myss | Education in spirituality, mysticism, and energy medicine. is An Online Guide to Interpreting Signs and Symbolic Meanings. Home Page. Soular Energy Holsitic Health Enterprises. Your Thoughts Create Your Tomorrows - Louise L. Hay. PEOPLE OFTEN ASK ME, “What are affirmations and how can I use them?” An affirmation is any statement that we make—whether positive or negative. If affirmations are used consistently, they become beliefs and will always produce results, sometimes in ways that we cannot even imagine. I’ve always said, “Life is simple. What we give out, we get back.” We can say out loud or think to ourselves one affirmation all day long, such as All is well, over and over and over. Or we can have a list of 20 affirmations and just say or write one each day.

The number of times that we say or write an affirmation is really up to each individual. When we concentrate on these affirmations and start to change our way of thinking, our inner voice immediately reacts to these new thoughts in one of two ways: with fear or with love. This is the moment when you’re either enjoying or not enjoying your life. You don’t have time to waste on negative thinking because it only creates more of what you say you don’t want.