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Gamedware. Perfect multi-column CSS liquid layouts - iPhone compatible. By Matthew James Taylor on 27 October 2007 This series of website layouts use percentage widths and relative positioning, and they work with all the common web browsers including Safari on the iPhone and iPod touch. They're also 'stackable' so you can use multiple column types on the one page.

This makes the number of possible layouts endless! Follow the links below for the demos and more detailed info: The main features No CSS hacksiPhone & iPod Touch compatibleSEO friendlyFull length column background coloursNo ImagesNo JavaScriptResizable text compatibleStackable columnsFREE for anyone to use The layout demo pages 3 Column (Holy Grail) Liquid LayoutThe most common website layout is the three column design. Overcoming cross-browser CSS issues CSS can be tricky business particularly when you are trying to create complex liquid layouts for your websites (the hardest of all). CSS hacks are bad Only use cross-browser CSS. Practical PHP Programming. Google APIs Client Library for PHP (Beta) By Chirag Shah, Developer Programs Engineer Today we are announcing a major milestone for another one of the Google APIs client libraries. The Google APIs Client Library for PHP has officially reached Beta. This means we're comfortable enough with the stability and features of the library that we'd like you to start building real production applications on top of it and send us your feedback.

The library now includes service-specific libraries and samples for several Google APIs, built on our new client library generation infrastructure. The Google API PHP client supports the following Google APIs right now, with more on the way. Buzz API - SampleBooks API - SampleLatitude API - SamplePage Speed Online API - SampleTasks API - SampleURL Shortener API - SampleTo grab the latest version of the library, simply run the following commands: <? Let us know what you think. Since Google I/O 2010, we've been developing APIs that can provide descriptions of themselves via metadata. 5 Handy Web Apps for Coding in the Cloud. 2 Email Share Apps such as Net2FTP and Pixlr brought web design and site maintenance online for the first time. As cloud computing has gained momentum, more coders are choosing to run, debug and test code online and enjoy the convenience, speed and accessibility of using an online IDE.

Here are five ideas for cloud solutions when could offer a new way to manage your next project. 1. Coderun Studio Coderun Studio is a free cloud application that’s designed to compliment (or replace) your existing Integrated Development Environment. The powerful Coderun Studio IDE is free to use, but if you choose to use the cloud deployment service, it will cost from $10 – $169 per month once your 14-day free trial is over.

Code Run Studio for Cloud Coding 2. Codeanywhere is designed for XML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and HTML coding and has its own handy built-in FTP client for easy uploads. Codeanywhere offers a limited, ad-supported free plan, with prices running from $49.99 per year for unlimited plans. 3. 4. PHP Site Search Made Easy. Share Why site search? When users want to find information on your website, they first look for a search box. Failing that, they head back to Google – potentially finding a competing site and taking their business elsewhere, or simply becoming frustrated with your service. But implementing effective search doesn’t have to be hard.

In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to build a basic site-specific web search in just five lines of code, using the Yahoo! APIs. Today’s websites have a lot of content. Well, at least they got their search results quickly, some might think. A brief crash course on search APIs In this tutorial, we’re going to build a site search system for a website using the Yahoo search web services.

Let’s get RESTful The web search API, or application programming interface, falls into the category of RESTful web services – that is, it’s an API delivered over the web that uses the REST protocol. Doesn’t look like much? <? Array operations in PHP - Basics of PHP | PHP Tutorial. In this section we will see some most commonly used array functions, their usage with examples.

Split an array into chunks To split an array into smaller chunks or smaller sized arrays, we use array_chunk() function of PHP. This will return arrays of several smaller sizes and each array's index number will start with zero unless you want to use the preserve_keys parameter to preserve the original index numbers from the input array used.

The syntax is: array_chunk ( array input, int size [, bool preserve_keys] ) Using the above function in an example: 01. <? 02. 03. 04.print_r($split_array); Combine an array with data elements and other with its keys We can create an array by combining one array with keys and second array with corresponding data elements. Array_combine ( array keys, array values ) and the example using array_combine() is: 02. 03. 04. 06.print_r($new_array); Merging two or more arrays Using an built-in function array_merge() we can merge two or more arrays to form a single array. 02. 03. Conception web – Forcer le cache à se vider pour vos fichiers CSS, JS et vos images. Toujours dans un but de poster des petites astuces et de répondre aux questions de mes collègues, amis ou clients, voici un petit billet pour vous expliquer quelques pratiques pour forcer le cache navigateur à re-télécharger certains éléments de votre site qui ont changé, mais qui restent en cache navigateur, car le nom du fichier, lui, est toujours le même.

En effet, le navigateur garde en mémoire certains éléments (css, images, javascript etc…) afin d’améliorer la vitesse de chargement. Mais il arrive que de petites modifications ne soient pas prises en compte ce qui peut perturber l’affichage et/ou la navigation des internautes sur votre site. Bien entendu, en tant que développeur, vous savez qu’il faut vider le cache navigateur, mais certains visiteurs (et surtout vos clients) ne le savent pas forcément. Alors, il existe quelques astuces pour essayer de palier à ce soucis. Renommer les fichiers Utilisation des requêtes via le ? Comme ceci par exemple : <? <? Bon code à tous !