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Agile Maturity Check Lists

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Maturity Assessment Model for Scrum Teams. Introduction Assessing the maturity of Agile teams has been a big challenge for most organizations.

Maturity Assessment Model for Scrum Teams

The main reasons for this are summed up by two questions: On what basis should the maturity assessment should be done to get the best results? 9324ThursdayTrack3Moore. Metrics for agile projects. Appropriate Agile Measurement: Using Metrics and Diagnostics to Deliver Business Value. Agile Enterprise Metrics. Agile Maturity What Value Gets The Company If Measuring It. Driving Process Improvement via Comparative Agility Assessment. Determining How Agile You Are Comparatively. The Comparative Agility Assessment came about because – new content added to place primary keyword at the beginning of the article a handful of years ago, some of my clients began to ask me, “How are we doing?”

Determining How Agile You Are Comparatively

My replies were always something like, “You're doing pretty well at pair programming, and I like how teams have shifted from writing requirements documents to talking about user stories. But teams really haven't embraced the idea of automated testing yet, and that's where we need to focus most.” But this wasn't the type of answer they wanted; they wanted to know, “How are we doing compared to our competition?” At first this question bothered me. It doesn't matter how your competitors are doing at agile, I reasoned. This means that agile does not need a five-level maturity model similar to CMMI. With this in mind, Kenny Rubin, Laurie Williams and I created the Comparative Agility assessment (CA), which is available for free online. The Agile Maturity Model (AMM) A2010 Agile%20Maturity%20Self Assessment. Untitled. Lean/Agile Depth Assessment Checklist A3.

Agile team evaluation - Eric Gunnerson's Compendium. I’ve been thinking a bit about team evaluation.

Agile team evaluation - Eric Gunnerson's Compendium

In the agile world, this is often done by looking at practices – is the team doing pairing, are they doing story mapping, how long is their iteration length? This is definitely a useful thing to do, but it can sometimes be too prescriptive; a specific practice needs to be good for a team where they are right now, and that’s always clear. I’m a big fan of not blocking checkin on code review, but I need something to replace it (continuous code review through pairing or mobbing) before it makes sense. DevOps Practices Self Assessment.

Welcome to the IBM DevOps Practices Self-Assessment.

DevOps Practices Self Assessment

This assessment provides a framework to self-assess your current DevOps practices. If you are working with an IBM representative, the assessment will help to align IBM discussions to your interests. If you are taking the assessment independently, you can use the experience to help your team agree on your current proficiency descriptions and outline your goals for improvement. The assessment also provides initial improvement options with IBM solutions and support that you can explore with your IBM representative. If you have any technical issues or questions during the assessment, please contact your IBM account manager. How Agile Are You? Free self-assessment. - Agile Project Management TrainingAgile Project Management Training.

From the Agile Transformation Trenches: Borland Agile Assessment 2009. Recently at Borland, we participated in a second-annual self-assessment of our agility.

From the Agile Transformation Trenches: Borland Agile Assessment 2009

The survey itself was internally developed, inspired by the Nokia Test (which sets a nice minimum bar), and cross-referenced with the Agile Manifesto, as well as summaries of agile principles from Alister Cockburn, James Shore, Scott Ambler, and Tom & Mary Poppendieck. It consists of 12 questions answered (anonymously) on a 5-point agree/disagree scale. The results create a diagnostic profile that can be very helpful in identifying areas to focus on for agile improvements. Here is the assessment survey itself: Please answer the following Agile Assessment questions based on the rating scale below:1 = Strongly Disagree2 = Disagree3 = Neutral4 = Agree5 = Strongly Agree We deliver valuable software early and often (on the order of weeks rather than months) in order to satisfy our customers.

Instructions to the assessment participants included these statements: An Organizational Transformation Checklist. Is Your Organization Ready for Agile? - Part 1. Posted on by Suzanne Miller in Agile All software engineering and management practices are based on cultural and social assumptions.

Is Your Organization Ready for Agile? - Part 1

When adopting new practices, leaders often find mismatches between those assumptions and the realities within their organizations. The SEI has an analysis method called Readiness and Fit Analysis (RFA) that allows the profiling of a set of practices to understand their cultural assumptions and then to use the profile to support an organization in understanding its fit with the practices' cultural assumptions. RFA has been used for multiple technologies and sets of practices, most notably for adoption of CMMI practices. The method for using RFA and the profile that supports CMMI for Development adoption is found in Chapter 12 of CMMI Survival Guide: Just Enough Process Improvement. One of the fundamental principles of technology adoption is that of mutual adaptation. As part of our research in the adoption of agile methods in U.S. Clear Program Goals. Illustrated Agile · A look into organizational change, agility, and leadership.

Pragmatic Agilist: A Corporate Agile 10-point Checklist. I'm pretty sure my few remaining friends in the "small, collocated team agile" community are going to desert me after this, but I actually have a checklist of 10 things to think about if you're a product owner at a big company thinking of trying out some agile today.

Pragmatic Agilist: A Corporate Agile 10-point Checklist

Some of these might even apply to you if you're in a smaller place. So at the risk of inciting an anti-checklist riot (I'm sorry, Pez!) , I am putting this out there in case it is helpful to someone else. Here's what you should think about: 1. A. B. Scrum%20Checklist%202012 en non%20printable. Self Assessment Tool for Transitioning to Agile. Over on agileconnection, a user asked about a self-assessment tool for measuring agile maturity.

Self Assessment Tool for Transitioning to Agile

That’s not exactly the right question, because agile transition is a journey, not a destination. But, I can understand why he asked the question. I tried to be helpful. How Agile Are You? (Take This 42 Point Test) Recently I saw a brief set of questions from Nokia to assess whether or not a team is ‘agile’.

How Agile Are You? (Take This 42 Point Test)

And by ‘agile’, I think they meant to what extent the team was following agile practices Scrum and XP (eXtreme Programming), not whether or not they could touch their toes :) I’m not sure if it was deliberately brief to emphasise the things that are the real *essence* of agile, but we’ve developed the questions into a more comprehensive set of statements.
