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The EJG Japan Travel Guide. Experience Japan Sightseeing, Destinations, Activities and Attractions In the EJG Japan Travel Guide to sightseeing, destinations, activities and attractions, you’ll discover so many places to go and things to see and experience in Japan that boredom during your travel or stay is simply not an option!

The EJG Japan Travel Guide

Whether you want to take in Japan’s storied past by exploring its ancient Shrines and Temples in historically rich and culturally important areas like Kyoto, Nara, Kamakura, and Nikko, or stay on the cutting edge of today’s culture by immersing yourself in the sights, sounds and non-stop activity of the concrete and neon jungle of Tokyo, our Japan Travel Guide offers a full menu of sightseeing, destinations, attractions, and activities. Your biggest challenge will be simply finding the time and energy to do and see it all!

Web Japan : Top Page. Japan Reference (JREF) - Japan Travel, Language & Study Guide. Un mot de Japonais par jour. Ici-Japon. Tofugu.