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London is a Muddle. 'London is a Muddle': E.M. Forster and the Flâneur Anthony Lake <1> ‘I used to loathe London when I was young’ wrote E.M. Forster in his essay ‘London is a Muddle.’ <2> The figure of a man walking the streets of a city has become one of the key tropes of modernism. <3> When we think of city walkers in English writing of the Modernist period, we are more likely to think of Virginia Woolf, and especially of the early pages of Mrs Dalloway, and her 1927 essay ‘Street Haunting’, than we are of E.M. <4> We think of Forster as the novelist of the suburbs and the provinces. <5> Howards End is an exploration of what is often called the ‘spirit of place’, and it is a novel that values the countryside over the city, tradition over the modern world, and stillness over movement and change. <6> The search for a home is a guiding theme of Howards End. I believe we shall come to care about people less and less, Helen.

The tide had begun to ebb. I hate this continual flux of London. ROOM84.CH | ONLINE MAGAZINE. Les Playlists de Bordwood. - Accueil. Livin' Cool - Fashion, Design, Art & Lifestyle. Index |