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Enchères inversées : règles et conseils pour gagner « à la baisse » Différence entre Chef de projet et AMOA [Résolu] | CommentCaMarche. Top 10 Web Hacks 2012. 10 Tips for Creating Buzz With Facebook Events. Whether you attend events via Facebook and/or you host your own, this post should interest you. The Facebook Events application is one of the most powerful tools on the platform and there is a fine art to using it effectively. When setting up the event as an organizer, I highly recommend you leave all the default settings the way they are – that is, allow guests to invite others, upload photos, write on the wall, etc. The reason is that every one of these activities creates news items that go out into the feeds of those individuals and their friends.

This is great viral visibility for you and for them. Here is an example of all options you want to check: And, as an attendee of any event on Facebook, you can easily help create buzz and visibility for both yourself and the event organizer. Win:win! I do recommend being strategic and mindful about the events you RSVP for. Also, when setting up your own events, be sure to choose a really catchy title, subtitle and photo. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

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