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WP Rollback, le plugin un peu trop permissif. GoUrl Cryptocoin API sur Twitter : "Use #Bitcoin #CashCoin #CASH payments in #Wordpress #Crypto plugins. $CASH Try Now - Bitcoin Wordpress Plugin - GoUrl Bitcoin Payments. Official GoUrl Bitcoin Payments Wordpress Plugin GoUrl Wordpress Plugin Features 100% Free Open Source Plugin on No Monthly Fee, Transaction Fee from 0% Set your prices in Bitcoin/Altcoin directly or in USD/etc Pay-Per-Product - sell your products for bitcoins Pay-Per-Download - make money on file downloads Pay-Per-View/Video - paid access to your videos Pay-Per-Membership - paid access to your premium pages Easy integration bitcoin payments with any other plugins Affiliate Program for other wordpress plugin developers Accept Bitcoin, Altcoins, etc on your Website Online Working with third-party plugins - WooCommerce, WP eCommerce, Jigoshop, MarketPress, bbPress Forum, AppThemes, Paid Memberships Pro, Bitcoin Donations ...

Bitcoin Wordpress Plugin - GoUrl Bitcoin Payments

Global, Anonymous, Zero Risk, No Chargebacks Free Support in the integration of GoUrl Payments. 37 Simple WordPress Themes You Should Try. Are you looking for some simple WordPress themes for your site?

37 Simple WordPress Themes You Should Try

There are lots of WordPress themes to choose from and it could get really confusing the find the perfect match. In this article, we have hand-picked 37 simple WordPress themes that you should try. This list features both free and paid themes and we paid special attention to find clean and simple WordPress themes. 1. Modern Mag Modern mag is a beautiful simple responsive WordPress theme by the ThemeLab. 2. Built on Genesis Framework by StudioPress, Daily Dish Pro provides the perfect combination of rock solid code with minimalist design. 3. Exposure is a simple WordPress portfolio theme. 4. Isabelle Mathieu sur Twitter : "#Twitter Lance un Plugin #WordPress Officiel #SocialMedia... Twitter Lance un Plugin WordPress Officiel. La plateforme de microblogging vient d’annoncer le lancement d’un plugin Twitter officiel pour WordPress qui permet d’ajouter les caractéristiques et les fonctionnalités Twitter suivantes sur les sites web motorisés par WordPress: Les Cartes Twitter.

Twitter Lance un Plugin WordPress Officiel

Une liste de 10 Widgets utiles pour votre WordP... Gaël RAOUX sur Twitter : "Bien bien #wordpress... The Fastest WordPress Installation - WP Quick Install. Manage Your WordPress Blog Like A Pro - 50 Free WordPress Plugins Your Blog Needs. So you have got a WordPress blog up and running.

Manage Your WordPress Blog Like A Pro - 50 Free WordPress Plugins Your Blog Needs

Now make sure you leverage all the benefits of this feature-rich platform. WordPress offers a decent feature set in its own and also provides various extension points that you can use to enhance your WordPress blog. You can turn your WordPress website into an online shopping portal, integrate with third-party services, or use its content management features to host a website or knowledge base. You can do all this and much more without having to write a single line of code. Mémento WordPress. Après avoir écrit le livre Savoir tout faire pour le web : PHP/MySQL, c’est avec une immense joie et fierté que je vous présente ma dernière contribution : le Mémento WordPress édité par Eyrolles.

Mémento WordPress

Plus qu’un outil de blog, WordPress est un CMS professionnel, très modulaire mais demandant des compétences assez pointues pour le personnaliser en profondeur. Pour cela, il contient un nombre important de fonctions (plus de 1840 à ce jour) et de hooks, et il est très difficile, même pour un spécialiste WordPress, de connaître l’ensemble des subtilités du CMS. Fulcanelli89's Photo: Un truc comme sur le site 7 sur 7, existe il pour #Wordpress ? Fulcanelli89's Photo: Sous #Wordpress 3.4 quelqu'un peut me dire pour quoi ma barre d'outils a disparut. WP Portable, Wordpress en version portable sur ton ordinateur ou sur ta clé usb. XML-RPC Test connexion - Script PHP. 10 codes les plus utilisés dans Wordpress. 10 Codes Avancés pour CSS & Wordpress. 7 WordPress plugins for font replacement. There are a ton of options out there for font replacement, including some great WordPress plugins that make font replacement easier than ever.

7 WordPress plugins for font replacement

Sure, you can hard-code your font replacement into your theme (or into a theme options page), but a plugin is sometimes a much better option, especially when you want to make a theme backwards-compatible. Below are seven fantastic font replacement plugins. Some are for use with paid services, while others work with free services or are self-hosted. All of the plugins included are compatible up to WP 3.1.4, and most are compatible up to 3.2.1. 1. Fontific is my personal favorite font replacement plugin. To use Fontific, you just install and activate the plugin, and then define font rules on the “Fonts” panel in the WP “Appearance” menu.

Pros: Easy to install and setup. WP e-Commerce. Since 2006, we've been helping entrepreneurs just like you realize their goal of selling online.

WP e-Commerce

Whether you're hoping to sell digital downloads, physical inventory, or subscriptions and memberships - with WP eCommerce, you're only minutes away from your next sale. Community Plugins. Plugins Plugins are tools to extend the functionality of WordPress.

Community Plugins

Plugins offer custom functions and features so that each user can tailor their site to their specific needs and can be installed using the WordPress Plugin installer. Administration These Plugins are managed through the WordPress Administration and are orientated to store owners/staff and web developers. 14 astuces indispensables pour sécuriser votre site WordPress. La sécurité d’un site WordPress n’est pas à prendre à la légère.

14 astuces indispensables pour sécuriser votre site WordPress

Se faire hacker peut arriver à n’importe qui et ces 14 conseils vous permettront de limiter les dégâts potentiels. 13 Free Contact Form Plugins for WordPress. In this article I will show you some of the top 13 Free Contact Form Plugins for WordPress available for download. 1.

13 Free Contact Form Plugins for WordPress

Contact Form 7 Contact Form 7 can manage multiple contact forms, plus you can customize the form and the mail contents flexibly with simple markup. The form supports Ajax-powered submitting, CAPTCHA, Akismet spam filtering and so on. 2. 41 Free And Premium WP Magazine Themes Worth Downloading. Have been the topic of interest for a lot of people, because of the way they can present content in a beautiful, clean way and also blend advertisements pretty well into the design. Though they have changed a lot in the last years, magazine themes preserve the same key features through which they have to deliver the content to the visitor, give him the information that he needs so that he can find it easily like he would do it in a newspaper.

In this article there are 41 free and premium WordPress magazine themes, approximately half free, half premium. I’ve selected only the free themes that a regular person would actually use and ignored the ones that are outdated and ugly looking and besides them I’ve also put in the article premium themes because of their superior quality. If you consider they are worth the money, you can buy them.

I’m using premium themes for some time and I’ve never been disappointed cause they give you a very detailed documentation and support. 31 CSS Code Snippets To Make You A Better Coder.


Best WordPress Themes - Free Stuff - Tutorials - Joomla. 3-colonnes. Leopress est un thème sur 3 colonnes inspiré du système d’exploitation d’Apple Mac OS X Leopard. Les icônes utilisées sont les icônes Apple. Il est regrettable que le thème ne soit pas widget ready. Cela fait que si vous trouvez que ce qui a été installé dans les barres latérales ne vous convient pas, vous allez devoir mettre les main dans le code « sidebar.php » pour faire vos modifications. Ce n’est toutefois pas un si grand problème. Page du thème : chez 7graus.

Démonstration : la VO, ma VF. Téléchargement : [ téléchargements] (suite…) Article sur Zwordpress un plugin Firefox pour Wordpress. Voilà un plugin des plus intéressant qui risque bien de ravir une partie des personnes qui utilisent le mix WordPress/Firefox. Zwordpress est en effet une extension Firefox qui va vous permettre de contrôler et gérer votre blog directement grâce à un menu contextuel comprenant une foule de raccourcis. Et pour ceux qui ont plusieurs blogs ça marche aussi puisqu’il est possible d’en posséder jusque 10, voir même ajouter d’autres services (comme votre messagerie par exemple). Plusieurs langues sont disponible (dont le français) et le menu est facilement utilisable puisqu’il va se positionner directement dans la barre principale du navigateur : Le menu va vous permettre d’effectuer les tâche les plus classique et importante de votre blog : voir le site/blog, écrire un article, accéder au tableau de bord, ajouter/gérer votre blogroll ou vos pages, configurer votre theme ou vos plugins, gérer les spams et autres commentaires, etc… Concrètement c’est très simple.

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