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Carte de développement LandTiger, sont trop fort ces chinois ! « Skyduino – Le DIY à la française. Salut tout le monde !

Carte de développement LandTiger, sont trop fort ces chinois ! « Skyduino – Le DIY à la française

Aujourd’hui je ne vais pas parler d’arduino, ni même de quoi que ce soit en rapport avec le développement arduino ! Aujourd’hui je vais vous présenter une carte, qui bien que "made in china" est une formidable plateforme de développement robuste et très complète. Alors bien sur, c’est une carte qui ma couté 40€ et que j’ai acheter sur ebay, je suppose donc qu’il ne s’agit pas d’un produit "original" mais surement d’un clone d’une carte de développement quelconque d’un autre fabricant … Mais qu’importe, j’en suis très satisfait :)

"Their movement suggests life, life suggests emotions" - @lumibots by Mey Lean Kronenmann. [Photo: S.T.

"Their movement suggests life, life suggests emotions" - @lumibots by Mey Lean Kronenmann

Heizmann] What looks like a time-lapse recording of bioluminescent critters roaming the deep sea floor is in fact a swarm of 9 autonomous UV light emitting robots inhabiting a 1 x 2 meter phosphorescent surface. Created by Mey Lean Kronemann, a Berlin-based media artist with an interest in robotics, these lumiBots (2010-2011) tirelessly trace the fading trails of their peers. An endless pursuit that, much like a computational drawing machine, generates glowing patterns of visual complexity out of a simple system. Each lumiBot, designed to be as inexpensive and basic as possible, is equipped with an Arduino micro-controller, two light sensors, two click switches for collision detection and a UV LED that activates the glow-in-the-dark sheet. Mey’s fascination with emergence, swarms, and artificial life forms was already evident in her 2006 interactive floor projection schüchterne lichter (timid lights) and it continues to spawn.

Input modules. Submitted by voodoo (not verified) on Tue, 12/04/2011 - 03:16.

Input modules

Can you recommend me which Hardware I require to develop a small project to measure Energy saved not too dissimliar to yours. Energy monitoring CMS development page. DIY Arduino. IRthMonKeYSunday, February 2, 2014I love this!

DIY Arduino

Thanks Sir Kingsbury! If anyone else finds this awesome step by step useful and you keep returning to it for references ..I just keep the site open all the time on a tab.... Then take a fraction of the time it took this guy to create and document all of this and, shoot him a donation! I am for sure. This info has been really valuable to me just starting out in ICs way more valuable than what I could give financially. SchelSaturday, February 1, 2014Just a tip..the Hydrogen peroxide and muriatic acid are both -air dissipates . once the etching is done.. the muriatic acid and H.P can be poured into a bucket or preferably a pan. add as much water as the container can hold and leave uncovered in a safe open/ outdoor area..after a few days the remaining diluted acid and H.P will have evaporated leaving the water and copper particulates.

MurSunday, October 20, 2013Good tutorial ,I used ordinary A4 paper and obtained very good result.Thank you. Free Online Books on Electronics. National Semi has been purchased by TI.

Free Online Books on Electronics

So, there is a change in the following. The National Semiconductor application notes can be found on the TI web site at Select "Interface" from the top-most popup, then "application notes" from the second, and fill in the note number such as "AN-979" and you will be linked to the note. National Semiconductor ( has some very good application notes on RS422/485 electrical requirements and on RS232.

Here are some. UNIX Garden. UNIX Garden. Un précédent article paru dans GNU/Linux Magazine vous présentait les microcontrôleurs Microchip PIC.

UNIX Garden

AVRDUDE. AVR Downloader/UploaDEr NOTE: AVRDUDE is the FreeBSD Unix software formerly known as AVRPROG. The name was changed so as not to conflict with Atmel's own programmer software called AVRPROG.EXE. Currently, an effort is underway to port AVRDUDE to Linux and Windows. The name AVRPROG would surely cause confusion with Atmel's software, thus I felt the best way to handle this is to just change the name. AVRDUDE is a full featured FreeBSD Unix program for programming Atmel's AVR CPU's.

AVRDUDE can be used effectively via the command line to read or write all chip memory types (eeprom, flash, fuse bits, lock bits, signature bytes) or via an interactive (terminal) mode. AVR Tutorial. This is (going to be) a easy tutorial for starting out with basic AVR programming, and also a reference collection so that it sits in one place on the site Comments?

AVR Tutorial

Suggestions? Post to the forum! <- In progress, click on a link to the left This set of notes does have some prerequisites. You must know how to use the command line for your OS, either Terminal (Mac, Unix) or cmd/DOS (Windows). AVR Libc Home Page. AVR Libc is a Free Software project whose goal is to provide a high quality C library for use with GCC on Atmel AVR microcontrollers.

AVR Libc Home Page

Together, avr-binutils, avr-gcc, and avr-libc form the heart of the Free Software toolchain for the Atmel AVR microcontrollers.