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The Programming Language Lua. Introduction au langage LUA. 5.2 Reference Manual - contents. Programming in Lua. Tutoriel Lua. La documentation du langage Lua 5.1. Page d'accueil du site. Lua Tutorial. Lua programming language is an open source language built on top of C programming language.

Lua Tutorial

Lua has its value across multiple platforms ranging from large server systems to small mobile applications This tutorial will cover various topics ranging from the basics of the Lua programming language and its scope in various applications. This tutorial is designed for all those individuals who are looking for a starting point of learning Lua and we cover topics suited for both a total beginner and an advanced user. Before proceeding with this tutorial it is advisable for you to understand the basics concepts of computer programming. But the tutorial is self contained and you will be able to learn on various concepts of Lua even if you are a total beginner. For most of the examples given in this tutorial you will find Try it option, so just make use of it and enjoy your learning. Try following example using Try it option available at the top right corner of the below sample code box: #!

LuaRocks Wiki: LuaRocks. LuaDist. Tutorials - The LUA Socket Lib and Coroutines - Setting up a simple TCP server. This tutorial is meant to provide the user who has already some understanding in programming with the knowledge necessary to use the LUA SocketLib and the Coroutines in order to set up a TCP/IP server in a host application.

Tutorials - The LUA Socket Lib and Coroutines - Setting up a simple TCP server

In our case, the host application is Demoniak3D but the guiding principle remains worthwhile whatever the host application is. As a part of Hyperion's core, the LUA SocketLib provides high efficiency and maximise its usability. The SocketLib is a fantastic library which provides all we need and even more for handling TCP-UPD/IP networking connections.

This library offers high level objects, such as TCP or UDP clients and servers as well as FTP or HTTP protocoles. In this tutorial, we will focus on the use of objects such as socket and TCP/IP servers provided by the SocketLib. Coroutines Tutorial. What are coroutines?

Coroutines Tutorial

Coroutines allow us to execute several tasks at once. This is done in a controlled manner by passing control to each routine and waiting until the routine says it has finished. We can reenter the routine to continue at a later time and by doing this repeatedly we achieve multi-tasking. Coroutines are described in sections 2.11 and 5.2 of the Reference Manual. [1] [2] eLua - eluaproject. Koneki - Lua Development Tools, an IDE for the Lua programming language. Code Assistance — Still writing code, but quicker.

Koneki - Lua Development Tools, an IDE for the Lua programming language

Debugger — Finally a tool enabling to watch what is going on in your application. Code Template — Use common statements quicker. Syntax Coloring — Just for getting code nicer to write and to read. Notice, locals in clear and globals in bold. Lua IDE: Decoda. Today we are very pleased to announce that we’ve released Decoda, our Lua IDE (Integrated Development Environment) and debugger, as open source.

Lua IDE: Decoda

You can get the latest version of the source from GitHub and the Windows installer from the download page. We created Decoda in 2007 just as we were starting work on Natural Selection 2 and getting our company off the ground. Programmez sur votre DS avec MicroLua. Lua : un langage de script puissant - Éditions D-BookeR. Langage de script multiplate-forme, open-source Version actuelle : 5.3 (12/01/2015) Licence MIT (en FR) Site officiel : Téléchargement Compact, léger, flexible, Lua est un langage de script extrêmement puissant et rapide, de dix à trente fois plus rapide que d'autres langages de scripts tel que TCL, Perl, Python, Ruby ou PHP.

Lua : un langage de script puissant - Éditions D-BookeR

Sa force : sa petite taille et sa portabilité. Compilateur, interpréteur et librairies standards n'occupent qu'environ 150 kilo-octets une fois compilés ! C'est facilement dix fois moins qu'un environnement Perl ou Python réduit à son strict minimum, ou cent fois moins qu'un compilateur C++ moderne en ligne de commande. Éditions D-BookeR. Michaël Peiffert, fondateur du studio indépendant lyonnais Mis-Clos, développe ses jeux en Lua avec Corona SDK.

Éditions D-BookeR

Corona SDK est une solution logicielle développée par Ansca Mobile. Conçu à l’origine pour créer des jeux en 2D sur mobile, il peut être utilisé pour réaliser toutes sortes d'applications mobiles, de l'ebook à la business app, à destination des plates-formes iOS, Android, Nook et Kindle. Des jeux comme Bubble Ball ou Blast Monkey ont été créés avec Corona SDK. Et bien sûr, Space Disorder ! Une version de Corona pour les usages non-commerciaux est librement téléchargeable sur leur site, ainsi que de nombreux tutoriels. ZeroBrane Studio - Lua IDE/editor/debugger for Windows, Mac OSX, and Linux. Workshop 2013. Registration · program · venue · travel · accommodation · organization · participants · abstracts · tweets · videos · photos The Lua Workshop 2013 will be held in Toulouse, France, on November 23–24, 2013.

workshop 2013

It will be part of Le Capitole du Libre, a larger FOSS event. As in previous workshops (2005, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012), the main goal of the workshop is to allow the Lua community to get together and meet in person and talk about the Lua language, its uses, and its implementation. Running Lua on Mac OS X. About Lua Lua is a lightweight programming language and has good reputation among game engines.

Running Lua on Mac OS X

In this article, you will learn how to install and use the latest version of Lua (5.2.x) on Mavericks, Mountain Lion, Lion or Snow Leopard. How to Install Rudix provides Lua pre-compiled packages for Mavericks, Mountain Lion, Lion and Snow Leopard. Rudix! Wiki: Installation instructions for Mac OS X. LuaRocks is a command-line tool.

Wiki: Installation instructions for Mac OS X

You can install LuaRocks using one of the third-party package managers available for OS X, or you may install it manually, in the Unix way. Option 1: using Homebrew One option is to use Homebrew. If you don't have it installed, follow its installation instructions. If you already have it installed, make sure it is up to date so you pick the most recent version of LuaRocks: brew update. LÖVE - Free 2D Game Engine. Battle of the Lua Game Engines: Corona vs. Gideros vs. Love vs. Moai. Alright, the title might be a bit over the top… what we are about to do is look at some of the most popular 2D game engines powered by Lua. First there will be a matrix of features, to give you an “at a glance” view of what each engine offers. Then we will follow up with a simple Hello World example for each, so you can see what the code would look like. Hopefully this will help you decide which engine is right for you. * Note, I gave iTunes link only, although many of those games are also available on Google Play.

Now we are going to look at a simple Hello World app written with each suite. In this sample we are going to create a window at a resolution of 1280x800, then we are going to start a background song looping ( Richard Wagners – Ride of the Valkyrie taken from here ). The LuaJIT Project. Luapower - The LuaJIT distribution for Windows, Linux and OS X. LuaRocks - The Lua package manager.