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Verbal Vomit: How to be a Hipster, Chapter 1. Hipster is a slang term that first appeared in the 1940s, and was revived in the 1990's and 2000's to describe types of young, recently settled urban middle class adults and older teenagers with interests in non-mainstream fashion and culture, particularly indie-rock, independent film, magazines such as Vice and Clash, and websites like Pitchfork Media.[1] In some contexts, hipsters are also referred to as scenesters.

Verbal Vomit: How to be a Hipster, Chapter 1

Do you want to be a Hipster? Do you wish you could join those sparkling beautiful people that you see pedaling past your house? Well, throw your TV's away, buy yourself a sturdy canvas bag, talk about joining the Peace Corp and read this short guide on becoming what you've always dreamed of: A Hipster. There's an art to finding acceptable Hipster clothing. The local thrift store will be just fine for all of your needs. If you live in a particularly hipster-infested area of the country like I do, and the thrift stores are all picked over, there are other options. a. B. Petty Cash. On each Click! 10 Instant Emotional Fitness Tools. By When things get out of control and you momentarily lose your emotional balance, there are any number of little things you can do to regain it.

Here are ten tools to help get you started. It cools and cleans the parts of your body that you use most frequently, which is relaxing, and gives you that "fresh start" feeling. Shoes take a day or two to release any moisture they have absorbed, and this is a very easy way to put a little pep back into your step. And if it isn't framed and on the wall, frame it now. . . , inside and out. T and get rid of anything that no longer fits. L. Remember that you started with nothing, and know that everything you see, you created. None of these tasks has to be uncomfortable or take you much time. Dr. On each Click! - StumbleUpon. Phraseup. Supermanliness: oh boy oh boy, free comics!

40 Fantastic Websites To Help Pass Time « TechWorthy. Warning: Reading this story may be hazardous to your productivity.

40 Fantastic Websites To Help Pass Time « TechWorthy

The Web sites within may divert you from the dull tasks in need of your attention and may cause you to goof off for hours instead. Oh, who am I kidding? You weren’t going to get any work done today, anyway. So you might as well waste time in style–and these sites will help you do it. Figuring that you’re already familiar with the Facebooks and YouTubes and Onions of the Net, we decided that any further serious undermining of your motivation to labor entailed digging up some obscure nuggets to commingle with the more familiar destinations. 1. Hey, get your mind out of the gutter–Stripgenerator is about comic creation, not clothing removal–though we wouldn’t claim that the two paths have never crossed. 2. FMyLife encourages people to send in anonymous real-life stories of worst-case scenarios that came horrifyingly true–things you’ll just have to read to believe. 3. 4. 5. 6.