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S0Cpt.gif (500×281) Why Google's Nexus 7 Tablet Is Hotter Than Apple's iPad. Sadly, Nation Knows Exactly How Colorado Shooting's Aftermath Will Play Out. WASHINGTON—Americans across the nation confirmed today that, unfortunately, due to their extreme familiarity with the type of tragedy that occurred in a Colorado movie theater last night, they sadly know exactly how the events following the horrific shooting deaths of 12 people will unfold. The solar-system. Nude TSA Protest = Free Speech Says Circuit Court Judge. Sparrow — Get mail done. What are your best examples of people cheating "the system"? I'll start.... : AskReddit.

The Future is Ours. Flo Rida - Let It Roll (Keith Apicary video) Mull of Kintyre test. Kintyre is highlighted in red. The "Mull of Kintyre" properly refers to the headland at the southernmost end, but in this context the apparent angle of the whole peninsula is the relevant standard against which a penis would be compared. The Mull of Kintyre test or Mull of Kintyre rule was an unofficial guideline said to have been used by the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC) in the United Kingdom to decide whether an image of a man's penis could be shown.

I'm sorry. The V Motion Project. Ice Energy Finds Profits in Thermal Energy Storage. Amidst all the batteries, fuel cells, flywheels and other technologies trying to bring energy storage to the building scale, there’s one technology that’s as simple -- well, almost as simple -- as an icebox. Thermal energy storage is its name, and the basic idea has been around since the 1920s. Put a device on your roof that makes ice at night when power’s cheap, then uses that ice during hot days to augment air conditioning operations, and avoid buying expensive peak power. This form of storage can’t do everything that batteries can do: it can’t pump power into the grid, for instance. But it does serve one function very well, which is cutting down on the peak power demand seen by utilities in hot climates, where up to half of a typical summer afternoon’s peak load can come from AC load. That’s why Ice Energy has made the utility, rather than the building owner, the focus of its business model.

15 Must-Know Facts on How People View Websites. Do you know what is the first thing that your eye is drawn to on a website?

15 Must-Know Facts on How People View Websites

And in what pattern do people scan your website? There have been many eyetracking tests on this subject and I’ll give you 15 most useful facts you should know. The picture below shows 3 different websites and where people look on them. Red indicates the area, where people looked the most, yellow areas got a bit less eye-action, blue areas got the least views and the gray areas, well, people didn’t focus on them at all. As a young professional, I am still getting used to dealing with clients. But today took the cake in terms of idiocy. Whats your worst/funniest/strangest client story? : AskReddit.

Peter Principle. An illustration visualizing the Peter principle The Peter Principle is a concept in management theory in which the selection of a candidate for a position is based on the candidate's performance in his or her current role rather than on abilities relevant to the intended role.

Peter Principle

Thus, employees only stop being promoted once they can no longer perform effectively, and "managers rise to the level of their incompetence. " The principle is named after Laurence J. New Skintight Spacesuit Design Unveiled. July 17, 2007Can an engineer bring sexy backto the future? Dava Newman, a professor of astronautics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, just might if her new space suit design makes it off the launching pad. Yesterday she unveiled the BioSuit, a skintight, next-generation space suit prototype that she and a team of researchers have spent seven years developing.

The new suit, which Newman is modeling here, could make space exploration safer and easierand maybe a little more fashion forwardthanks to specially reinforced fabrics. Traditional space suits are too heavy and ungainly to meet the challenges of future space travel, which will likely require more mobility and greater comfort, Newman said. Artificial Intelligence Human Like Robot 2012 Future is Here. 3hRLi.jpg (2559×1919) Thank you city of chicago, for the new wonderful bike paths : bicycling. The laser-powered bionic eye that gives 576-pixel grayscale vision to the blind. The laser-powered bionic eye that gives 576-pixel grayscale vision to the blind. : science. Future Paradigms : Futurology. Paradise or Oblivion (30 language subtitles)

iWzOr.jpg (953×3657) With the assistant-like improvements in jelly bean, it is now absolutely essential that Google integrate their Tasks functionality into Android. : Android. Forgot about this gem. : FixedGearBicycle. Empire. The Most Annoying Sound In The World. Big Gulps, huh? Big gulps huh? Why are eggs historically a breakfast food in (at least) America? : AskHistorians. Black Holes: Incredibly Loud and Extremely Distant : space. Black Holes: Incredibly Loud and Extremely Distant. KimKierkegaardashian (KimKierkegaard) Looking for budget clipless pedals for city commute : bikecommuting. Test PAC. SOPA Returns On The Back Of A Czar: 'The new SOPA-fragment bill coming before Congress is the Intellectual Property Attaché Act, which strengthens the powers of the titular diplomatic attachés to promote U.S. copyright laws abroad.' : technology.

Apparently Aol Instant Messenger makes me "old as dirt" : fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu. Cop here. I have seen a large increase in suicides this year and I don't know why. For my Cake Day I'd like to Ask Reddit to look out for each other and know that there are resources put there if you need them. And to ask Wgat can you do today to save som. Brwn's Skilling Extra Click Technique. - RuneScape Classic Private Server. Extra Click. Family Force 5 - Dance Or Die Official Music Video. First Online Photo Marks 20th Anniversary. Two decades before scientists at CERN announced they had likely found the Higgs boson, the Geneva-based particle physics lab made history with a little less fanfare.

That's when a promotional photo of Les Horribles Cernettes, a comedic musical group composed of girlfriends and secretaries of CERN scientists, became the first photo ever to appear on the Internet. It was posted 20 years ago this week. N1 (rocket) The N-1 was a heavy lift rocket intended to deliver payloads beyond low Earth orbit, acting as the Soviet counterpart to the NASA Saturn V rocket.[1][2] This heavy lift booster had the capability of lifting very heavy loads into orbit, designed with manned extra-orbital travel in mind. Development work started on the N-1 in 1959.[2] Its first stage is the most powerful rocket stage ever built.[3] The N1-L3 version was developed to compete with the United States Apollo Saturn V to land a man on the Moon.

The basic N1 launch vehicle had three stages, which was to carry the L3 lunar payload into low Earth orbit. The L3 contained an Earth departure stage and a lunar landing assist stage, in addition to the single-cosmonaut LK Lander spacecraft, and a two-cosmonaut Soyuz 7K-LOK lunar orbital spacecraft. N1-L3 was under-funded and under-tested, and started development in October 1965, almost four years after the Saturn V. Elizabeth Banks. Five men at atomic ground zero. 2caVH.png (1024×496) Welcome To Ambardia. Ricardo Villalobos- gugga Sempa.

Object-Oriented JavaScript Part 2: How the prototype works. JavaScript is a prototype-based language. Understanding how the prototype works is essential to understanding how JavaScript works. Blog/too-many-frameworks-qq.html. I think there's a lot of misplaced irritation regarding the abundance of new JavaScript frameworks.


It seems like many developers just want someone to tell them how to build web apps. The number of options is overwhelming, and they just want to make something. I can completely understand how it can be frustrating to choose something and get started. Op Kids Random Geek Fact - Donkey Kong was not a villain! - Coin-Op Kids. Отбор змей для snake show. Тайланд, Паттайа. 2011. Need some help in understanding prototype : javascript. TIL the creator of Pokemon, Satoshi Tajiri, is autistic. : todayilearned.

Pokemon Creator Draws Creativity from Autism. Courtesy: / Miki Tanaka Whenever I feel nostalgic about my sons’ early years, Pokemon is always a large part of those memories. I can still see my one son, a vision of yellow, dressed as Pikachu for Halloween, or the excitement in his and his brother’s eyes when they each dug a pack of Pokemon cards from the toe of their Christmas stockings. The cards provided some of their few happy playground experiences interacting with their neurotypical peers due to the fact that all children shared the universal language of Pokemon. Dart: Structured web apps.

Dart: Structured web apps : javascript. Tribute to Steve Ross (son of Bob Ross) aka Tumblr's Sex God ♥ミ. Railway track complete with private train build by 80 year old grandfather. Eric Schmidt on self-driving cars' biggest problem: They obey speed limits. Photo by Karen Bleier/AFP/GettyImages Self-driving cars are on a roll.

Eric Schmidt on self-driving cars' biggest problem: They obey speed limits

How to Procrastinate and Still Get Things Done - Archives. By John Perry I have been intending to write this essay for months. Why am I finally doing it? Because I finally found some uncommitted time? Wrong. ELI5: What the Beatles did to the world : explainlikeimfive. How did field armies throughout history deal with hydration? : AskHistorians. Jack White & Jools Holland Saint James Infirmary Blues. (Photo Credit: Ute Kraus/Space Time Travel) Sophia Nasr is currently pursuing her undergraduate degree in astrophysics at York University.

Actively engaged in astronomical events and scientific outreach, Sophia holds a research position at the York University Observatory, occasionally co-hosts on York Universe Radio, and is the Vice President of the York University Astronomy Club. In an effort to help peak public interest in science, Sophia writes articles about astronomy and physics for Facebook’s “All Science, All the Time” and “Science That.” Black holes are formed when stars of at least 20 solar masses die. Solar mass is an astronomical unit of mass, equal to the mass of the Sun, used for expressing the mass other celestial objects. The mathematics describing black holes shows that the volume of the singularity—the center of a black hole—is zero, and thus the density of a black hole is infinite. What follows is a discussion on how black holes “die.” Logan Square Yarn Bomb - photos 7/14. Why is 144 divided by -12, -12? How can division by a negative number be illustrated by a real-world example? : explainlikeimfive.

Two Who Resigned From DSM-5 Explain Why. E.T. was from the Star Wars Universe. S23qV.gif (314×228) Why I love Jack White : Music. Emma Watson. CTA releases details on the new Open Fare System : chicago. ACLU Releases "Police Tape" Android App. Feeling inventive? New U.S. Patent Office opening in Detroit.

Multilingual's of Reddit: What's the best thing you've accidentally overheard in public in another language? : AskReddit. Introducing getUserMedia and the Javascript Gamepad API. Beta ways to communicate and print. Dev Channel Update. Indoor Google Maps help you make your way through museums. In the past, navigating through museums could be an art form in and of itself.

Indoor Google Maps help you make your way through museums

But Google Maps for Android has got wayfinding inside your favorite museums down to a science. Google+ app for iPad available now in the App Store. In May, we redesigned the Google+ experience for iPhone, adding full bleed photos that fall into place and bold visual elements that bring your stream to life.

Google+ app for iPad available now in the App Store

Oh! Ads on Google Chrome Extensions!! I read about ad supported Chromebooks, but never saw this one coming.

Oh! Ads on Google Chrome Extensions!!

Lenovo W-Series Shipping With Chrome As Default Browser. Many new Lenovo W series buyers got a pleasant surprise when Chrome showed up as their default browser instead of Internet Explorer.

Lenovo W-Series Shipping With Chrome As Default Browser

Switch To HTML5 for Better Google Music Experience on your Chromebook. Google+ Roundup From I/O. Offline updates and a quick look back at June. OUYA: A New Kind of Video Game Console by OUYA. Elephant charges car in Kruger Park. North Korean film exposes Western propaganda - Part 9 of 10.

So, at work today, we decided to stop supporting IE7. Anyone else in the same boat? : webdev. How prudish were the Victorians really? : AskHistorians. Godfrey and the Heckler. Ep 106 Heckler YOUTUBE. When Art, Apple and the Secret Service Collide: 'People Staring at Computers' Asteroid miners to hitch a ride with Virgin Galactic - space - 13 July 2012.